
How are we all doing out there? Isolating? We are…

That brings us to today’s pictorial theme – isolation, separating us all until this thing blows over. Trump reckons 9:16 am Easter Sunday it’s all over, but hey, I reckon he may be telling the porky pies (again).

Have you heard of the app “Houseparty“? If you’re feeling lonely you can always have a virtual party, video and all. Cheers! Well, cheers if you’ve got some booze as that’s the new shortage, after dunny roll. I reckon it’s all the parents attempting to home-school their kids – necking it!

Rotto, Quokkas + Coronavirus quarantine zone
Rottnest Island, West Oz, is probably one of my favourite Australia destinations. The waves are heavy, raw, and twice as big as Perth. The water is crystal clear and blue, similar to the Greek Islands. There’s always a spot out of the wind, and this time of year it’s empty and with favourable winds BUT – it’s been announced that its the new COVID19 quarantine zone, where you will spend 14 days to recover. There’s worse places to be sick.

Blank Walls? Free Design Service
If you’ve been thinking about hanging one of our artworks, but can’t decide – I’ve got 3 staff online ready to help you. Take a photo of your wall, send us a shortlist of your favourite images and we will superimpose the artwork in the room – obligation-free. Contact Us or hotline 02 9130 7788 or just go to our website and interact via LiveChat.

The surf looks awful today…windy, onshore. Keep your spirits up! :: uge

Wanna chat online about artwork?

Karl Page, solo time, Mentawais


Bondi contours


Storm Runner


Ray Bathe, Bondi Beach


Nonconformist, Bondi


The Shack, Stockton Beach, Newcastle


Sandon contrasts


Thompson Bay, Rottnest Islands. The new quarantine area in West Oz


Isolation, Namotu Island, Fiji


Lone Swimmer, Bondi Beach. Probably one of my best known shots


2 thoughts on “Isolation

  1. Hi Uge,

    Couldn’t agree more with Lea Adams. I’m from Brissy and was a surfer many moons ago. I’ve been living in Eurore since ’84 and in Amsterdam from ’88. Normally I come to Oz every year at least for the last 15 in a row. My father just turned ’93 so usually I’m in Oz Dec/Jan and Feb to celebrate that. I’m an art dealer, mostly Aboriginal art but not entirely so every year I also make a whirl wind tour to various states to see artists, galleries and museum shows, friends etc. This last year has been a nightmare from an European perspective. I chanced upon your site a few years ago and jumped on your mailing list. It never fails to give me sooo much pleasure opening your email every morning. I love it! You’re a gifted photographer. It helps me through the day no matter what..
    Thank you..

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