Greetings. Hope you had a good weekend. How good was the weather? I love it when the forecast sets low expectations and then it’s burning sunshine and fun waves.
Today the swell has kicked back a gear and only breaking waist to chest high. Still rideable and some fun (Small) ones.
Nice and clean this morning. Autumns winds are the best. Only 4 knots of SSE right now and nearly 26 degrees…
Have a good week…::uge
Beautiful pics as always. Similar conditions up here on the coast…small but well formed and glassy.
Really appreciate the email service – can’t thank you enough for it mate.
Sometimes I take your emails for granted Uge and when I saw today’s first image ‘Burning Man, Bronte’ and the last shot with a perfect caption for ‘Morning rinse, Bronte’ I thought to myself ‘shit this bloke’s good…and it’s FREE’!
Much appreciated for lightening up our days Uge.
Hey Uge, just stumbled apon this really reminds me of some of your airial shots and beach scenes. Thought you might enjoy if you haven’t seen it yet…
cheers and keep up the sweet work!