
Wonky tonk

In any normal week I’d be excited to see some head high waves breaking locally. But this week is far from normal. We’ve had 7 days of swell (in a row)…and this morning is no exception….but it seems the ocean is very agitated…wobbly…ok, kinda crook. I wouldn’t bother. Sets broke around 5 foot in an irregular fashion – some lucky sets threw a little lip, but many flopped into a closeout. Few out with the chill puttin’ most off. It rained too (that’s new after a week of sunshine). SE winds arriving this afternoon – so it will be a onshore wash up in no time. Is the show over?

Tour stop number 4, J-Bay looks to start today (Friday 15th ) with a new small swell. But where is Kelly? Well he’s still in Fiji surfing 20 foot bombs at Cloud break. It’s been manic in Fiji. The people that know have said it has been the best swell (and biggest) in a very, very long time. All the big names (free surfers) are there clocking up surf mag fodder.

Rain and 3 footers on the weekend. The Aquabumps Gallery is open all weekend 10am to 6pm.

Seeya, uge

Reno love required

Pains me to say, he straightened out.

Rough water

Not a problem with supply.

Just crusin'

Fence sitter

3 thoughts on “Wonky tonk

  1. Hi Uge

    Love your recent architectural (Eastern Suburbs Art Deco) photographic critiques. Keep up the great work.


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