Pink Ceiling


Hello. What a nice morning. Strip of clouds highlighted first light, gentle offshore winds at Bondi and a neat little 2-3 footer in the corner. The swell period boasts 14 seconds, but there is no swell size to compliment such a high figure. That translates to a very inconsistent morning, long waits, but the odd bomb set worth it. Bit of a pulse later today…

The sand bank setup has changed, and the right out the back doesn’t seem to be holding up as well as it did last week. I still witnessed Ricky Scott pulling into a full cave, and make it (sorry Ricky, I missed the money shot as I had blown my CF buffer on the wave before! !@#$)

Round 4 Quiky Pro is on and you can watch it live right now. Mick Fanning, current world champ was just beaten by Kai Otton (17th seed)! Finals should run tomorrow (or next Tuesday)….looks like 4 footers but onshore.

Zee Aquabumps Gallery is open as usual, 10am to 6pm and you’ll find it at 151 Curlewis Street Bondi Beach (still lost?) Telephone 02 9130 7788

Special thanks to Mark Kelly (Global Surf Industries) and Dan (Huffer) for helping out Kid Caleb with some product (he’s the surfer I said ‘someone sponsor this guy’)

Have a good day, uge

Kid Caleb, more backside looseness

Swimmer cam

Crazy skies

Ricky Scott lining up a tube

3 thoughts on “period

  1. 1st one is great uge!
    ill be down tomorrow for sure, though itll probably start raining tonight!
    cheers ell

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