The talk of the town today was this ferocious storm that has tormented New South Wales with gale force winds and relentless rain – brilliant isn’t it? It’s been going strong for about 24 hours now (it’s currently 10:30pm Wed) and the ocean has been enraged into spitting monster chunx – 6+ metre faces booming into our bays under relentless onshores. The word on the street is that Deadmans over Manly way is the go, but you’d need a jetski and have to fight 6x world champion Kelly Slater for a few. Lurline is suitable for the hell men. Best wait until this wind dies down to reveal some golden potential.
Couldn’t get my usual morning shots as it was dark, raining and pretty much outa control. (Hence shots tonight). Disappointingly the Bondi sand banks have been uprooted and thrown up onto the back of the beach near the concrete walkway. Pretty freaky. This storm has incredible power behind it.
Don’t forget to get down to RUMPUS Thursday night at the Eastern. The Wonderland boyz will be crankin’ out the toons whilst celebrating a couple of birthdays.
If you’re around Sydney and heading to the races this weekend, Jackie’s in North Bondi is throwing AprEs racing drinks 6pm – 8pm on Sat 26th and Mon 28th. Website
Have a great Easter break. I’m outa here for some fun waves outa town.