250 frames in 2 hours – busy morning. Lots to shoot between a classic autumn fireball sunrise and 4 foot suction at Bond*age. Our south facing beaches have great waves with the early morning offshore and consistent south swell. Everyone’s onto it and there will be a few late crew to work today. If you missed it – have no fear, as there will be waves over the next 3 days. High tide 6:30am, low tide 12:23pm. 20 degree water, 21 degrees on land winds singing more southerly this afternoon.
The Smell of resin has finally got to Mad Benny – and he’s having a big 1 day GARAGE SALE down at SiX Ounce Board Store 10am to 5pm – you’ll find some bargains…dang. SHOP 2 144 GLENAYR AVE BONDI BEACH 93008339