Bondi tsunami – ain’t that a jap feature film or sumpin’? You all know by now that we had a Tsunami warning in Sydney yesterday and all metro beaches where closed (they even called off the Quiky Pro for the day) . We’ll we’re still here, the gallery (which is very close to the water’s edge) hasn’t washed away…quite ironic really as yesterday was one of the flattest days in a long time.
A south change tore through town in the middle of the last night, bringing rain, wind and things that resemble mashed waves. Not 1 person out this morning – which says it all. Wait ‘til these howling onshores subside. Thursday looks damn good. Work your week around that!
On Saturday I took some shots from the bird again whilst on our way down to Cronulla for the RedBull Helisurf race. Great colours on Saturday morning…
Not sure if Jap is the proper nomenclature dude.