Oliver Kurtz, game on his backhand at the mercy of this slab


The much talked about swell is here and slowly declining. It’s been a fun couple of days in Sydney with waves (finally) above your head. Crazy sunny skies today to boot! I hope you scored your wave quota amongst the massive crowds.

In excitement of this swell I’ve been driving around everywhere and not really scoring anywhere 100% on. Every car park I went to it seemed to be full of people doing the same thing. Too high for here, too low for there, to North for there and now too small for there!

Another East swell due next week – so I’ll get another crack at it.

Enjoy today – it’s gold ::uge

The thing...would you ride that?

Tamarama 9am, running the gauntlet into the twins

Sunrise mob...searching for waves

The mutant

Taj Burrow, ready to hit it

Sunrise tanker

Tamarama fruit bowl

Tama fools gold

6 thoughts on “Gold

    1. Taj took 2 waves, really early, was still dark.
      By the time I got in the water the tide was coming up and he just wanted to hang on the ski.

  1. quick report from north coast road trip –

    Friday – 1pm Sawtell, clean 3 foot. 5pm Angourie bumpy fun 3-5 foot.
    Saturday: 8am Angourie pumping 4-6 foot, 4pm Lennox/Boulders etc massive wind and swell, no good
    Sunday: Big and very windy everywhere Surfed the Pass but soooo windy and junky. Pub was offshore.
    Monday: 8am: Wind settled, nice peaks at Broken Head before the drive back to Sydney town.

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