Morning people

Morning People

Was nice to have some morning light in the frames this morning. Hasn’t been much of it around lately.

As per the forecast the swell has come up from the East but it’s junkie as hell. A few 4 footers, wobbly and choppy, yet surfable.

For the next 5-6 days there is plenty of swell. Unfortunately the winds won’t be favourable until Monday. Looks like a fair bit of rain over the weekend. Rug up.

The Aquabumps Gallery is open all weekend 10am to 6pm. New works have been up for 1 month, so if you haven’t dropped by do so. 151 Curlewis Street Bondi.

Adios :: ugios


Brownie assessing conditions

Bootie campers

The froth

Sunrise walkers

Shadow walker

2 thoughts on “Morning People

  1. Man I’m missing Bondi. Six months since moving back to Canada with the Canadian missus and dying for a surf.

    Thanks for the daily heartbreak, Uge 😉

  2. Hi. This is my first time here to your site. Your pictures are amazing!!!! I miss the beautiful beaches in California . Where I’m from now, we do not have any nice beaches to look at. Would like to visit Bondi one day. Yes even with all the horrible things going on worldwide, it is nice to escape to different view, even if it is for a little while:). Thank you

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