
After a night of thunderstorms and the odd sprinkle, we’ve woken to a spectacular Bondi day. Only two more days of winter, then these mornings become warm and long. That’s exciting.

The waves have been interesting lately; it’s incredibly inconsistent and tied to specific tidal requirements. This morning, bang on sunrise, I saw some fun-looking 3-foot rip bowls. A large pack was feasting whilst the groms and girls were dominating.

We’re still using the supply of long-period south swell – which appears to be dwindling. Tomorrow will be much smaller. Currently, the winds are 8 knots from the north.

It was a classic Sydney day, with 22 degrees forecasted and abundant sunshine. It was only 8 degrees when I rode down the beach.

Have a fantastic day. Don’t forget it’s Father’s day this weekend – he asked me to tell you he only wants artwork from Aquabumps. Go on.

:: uge

Papa deserves a $200 frame from Aquabumps for this Sunday

R.I.P PMJ 29.08.2023


Sage, backhand stabs


Ed Ryall, good hands


North Bondi looked delightful this morning


What's going on under the towel?

Tennis queen, Stephanie Belovukovic dominating


Charlotte (Miss Antartica) and Joel


Overhead high for the lil' fella


Cold shoreline chats


The girls are out in force today!


Chilly water dance

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