Nooks and Crannies
Sydney’s coastline is like a broken eggshell, with nooks and crannies everywhere, facing all directions. The good thing about this is that it can be 1ft at one beach and 3ft at another facing more east on the same day! Today I shot a bit at Bronte, a 270-metre-long beach just over the hill from […]

Autumn – I love this time of year. It’s when the sun tweaks around the back of Ben Buckler and rises into the bay, side onto the waves. You’ll see a lot of silhouette shots from here on, my fave. The water remains warm as the air drops. West winds are plentiful in autumn, which […]

Bondi put on its best colours for sunrise, a cracker, wasn’t it? Looking north resembled a postcard from Sydney with dreamy reds and pink dancing above Benny Buckler. The ocean is clean with gentle offshores. A small south swell was putting out the odd shoulder-high wave, but it was closing out a lot. Winds should […]

Better days
It’s been raining all morning. Not ideal beach conditions. Very dark, too, making it a tad demotivating to get out of bed. If you brave the rain, there are waves. The south swell provides shoulder-high bumps under clean morning conditions (winds currently from the NW and very gentle). Looking ahead, the theme of this week […]

OneWave 10
It was a sea of Fluro this morning as the OneWave crew celebrated ten years of supporting mental health in the community. They attempted to join North Bondi with South Bondi in a human chain (with the odd Mexican wave). Good to see all the other groups like 440, Salties, Clubbies, all joining in. The […]

Dawn Patrol
The clouds parted for the sunrise – very pleasant down there today. Did you get down? Most Sydney beaches would have waves today from this little East swell. Bondi had the odd shoulder-high set but closed out a lot until high tide. It’s uber-clean with little wind. The water is bath-like and salubrious. OneWave is […]

We start in the dark on these types of days. The light was smothered with a thick blanket of clouds – pretty hard to see, let alone shoot. From what I could see, there are clean waves today. Head high and predominantly closing out on lower tides. 9:30 am was the high tide line, whilst […]

It’s not always glamourous beach days down here in Bondi. Today’s a 20-knot onshore grey day, with few people roaming the beach. A few groms are out in the middle, catching shoulder-high waves stirred up by this fresh southerly. It wasn’t spectacular, but with Bondi Boardriders kicking off this Sunday, they’re all sharpening their skills […]

We had another spectacular beach weekend in Sydney. It was quite simply stunning, with light winds and glorious temperatures. Rather than show you grey, onshore images from this morning (The ‘Smotherly’ is here), I’d rather showcase images taken yesterday. Da-nah! We had an odd inversion fog layer roll into town – where cold air meets […]

La Nina is over. Yep, over. Let’s party. Wow, now that the weather has been unlocked, hasn’t it rebounded in a big way? Hot-hot-hot. Mid-to-high thirties for most of yesterday – and it remained thirty degrees overnight. The beaches have been rammed with humans seeking a reprieve from the heat. At sunrise this morning, there […]

The sunrise is rising late, and this morning it was dipped in pinks. Super intense colour around 6:10 am; you probably all saw it as the beach was rammed at this time. There’s still plenty of East swell today, with waves breaking around head-high on sets. Bondi is truly lacking decent banks, so other beaches […]

Wrong beach
I muffed it this morning (surf-wise) – sorry! I underestimated the current east swell and shot Bondi when many other beaches lit up this morning. I should’ve been at Bra or Manly. They’ve been cooking. Especially with this idyllic WSW 3 knot offshore – oh man, I am still slapping myself as I write this […]

The beach wasn’t very picturesque this morning, and my artificial intelligence robots are having a day off. So you’ll have to settle for my riveting editorial and some fancy pics taken in February that haven’t been showcased yet. It’s a mixed bag…but that should keep you going until Sydney’s lousy weather clears up! Ok, beach […]

Gusty Artificial Intelligence
I’m addicted to Chat-gpt. It’s fun and new.Today’s update is written entirely by the artificial intelligence robots: Based on the given information, it seems that the conditions at Bondi Beach are not suitable for surfing today. The onshore winds have made the waves messy and difficult to ride, and the cloudy sunrise may not provide […]

Geez, what a busy morning – everywhere. In and out of the water. It looks like everyone got on the sunrise swim program. Surfwise, there’s plenty of south swell. It’s straight AZ at Bondi with sets over head high. I shot for 1.5 hours this morning and could barely get a shot of anyone on […]

Default Bondi
As we progress into Autumnland, the sunrise moves back around Ben Buckler’s point. I love this time, as the light becomes cross shore, and I shoot a tonne of golden light silhouettes. This morning was your typical good-looking Bondi morning—an abundance of sunshine, ice-bathers, exercisers, sand sanders, frothers, groms and swimmers. If you just landed […]

Sunrise dips
Good luck getting a wave of 6 x hungry Bondi groms, especially in 1-2 foot. The sub-30-kilo frothers left no scraps on the table at sunrise. An enjoyable morning with warm conditions and little wind. Waves have dropped but still surfable. Rarely is it UNsurfable around here… it just doesn’t crank often. The small surf […]

Peaky Windswell
After a restless, hot night, many were up for the early as the NE wind swell continued to deliver. At exposed East facing beaches, waves broke in the head-high vicinity. South-facing Bondi had fat shoulder high waves amongst a very full morning high tide. It’s cloudy now and reasonably cool compared with yesterday. The sunshine […]

Party is over
Phew, there’s been a lot going on in Sydney over the weekend. Sydney World Pride ended its 17-day party yesterday with a 50,000-person march across the Harbour Bridge. We were fortunate enough to have a great angle above, from the Bridge pylons, to capture the action. Ocean Lovers Festival – Bondi 2023The annual Ocean lovers […]

Calm before the storm
A busy Friday morning down at Bondi, but it’s gonna step up as Sydney World Pride Bondi kicks off tomorrow. The stage is set, and the endless trucks are flowing into the car park. We haven’t had a big event like this in ages. The 6am high tide slowed the waves, but hopefully, more will […]

There’s more steel on Bondi Beach than BHP right now. Scaffolding and fences litter the beach in preparation for this weekend’s Sydney World Pride’s big dancing crowd. 60% chance of showers on Saturday – nothing like dancing in the rain! Wear a wettie. The surf was dismal this morning. Onshores have stirred up a pathetic […]

Before the Southerly
Earlier today, it was super clean, warm and inviting. A refreshing swim was ideal. If you had a surf craft of hefty volume, you’d have fun surfing among the waist to belly-high waves. The morning high tide was really porking up most rideable waves. The southerly has arrived now (12:01pm) – it won’t be as […]