Random Images
Happy Friday! Downtime is a great opportunity to work on some images that have been hiding in the terabyte stack at HQ. Here’s a little picture show to distract you in your day, stuff I’ve been working on, some really random stuff…in a typical non-lockdown day I’d shoot around 200-500 images in a morning sess. […]

Extensions, protests, cases numbers, lockdowns, vaxes, home quazzis…it’s all a bit overwhelming at times, isn’t it? It feels like Delta dominates the TV, our conversations, our worries…remember, we’re all in this together…it’ll pass. Maybe not passing as fast as we’d liked, but it will pass. My Aquabumps daily routine is still not back to pre-outbreak […]

Backyard Boat Trips
Once upon a time, every June/July we would set sail on our annual boat trip to the Mentawais Islands – 150 kilometres off the coastline of Sumatra, Indonesia. Before the Coronapocalypse I clocked up 15 trips in as many years, surfing the best waves on the planet in some of the remotest, stunning locations imaginable. Drifting amongst […]

Hey Homies. How are we all doing at home this week? Sick of watching the news? Well, I’d thought I post some light-hearted beach shots, just to keep you all distracted from case numbers, test numbers, vax numbers, Lotto numbers and the Coronapocalypse. The photos archives have been getting a work-out whilst Sydney remains in […]

Checking In…
How are you all doing? It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me so I thought I’d check-in. Obviously, it’s a weird time, as the NSW outbreak creates havoc wherever it pops up. So many people and businesses doing it tough, daily routines altered and everything cancelled…hang in there. This storm will pass. Just […]

ISO Headlines
Keeping busy? Working? Bingeing on Netflix? Learning a new skill? A new language? You’re doing good, real good, hang in there. I try not to watch the news too much whilst in Iso. Too many headlines recently seem to be about Bondi. The Bondi Cluster, Bondi Beach Primary burning down, A Bondi guy tried to […]