To be honest, it’s been a fantastic week for surfers in Sydney, and we’re only just getting warmed up. From tomorrow there’s a 4-5 day window of solid east-nor-east swell headed our way – thanks to TC Ana and TC Lucas. That should feed all the beaches in our city with something fun to ride.
Bondi this morning was cray-cray busy at rush hour – just for an hour…before everyone rushed back in to kick off their workday.
The early sunrise was a pleasant change from all the cloud and rain.
The new Kelly Slater/Akila Aipa “Flat Earth” twin looks like a perfect Bondi board. What your go-to?
The water is salubriously warm right now, all I am wearing in a 2mm vest and shorties when surfing. Project Blank make an excellent comfortable vest for only $100 bucks. Kids vests too! Free delivery with code “Aquabumps10”
Enjoy this glorious day. It’s magic.
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