Gravy Train

To be honest, it’s been a fantastic week for surfers in Sydney, and we’re only just getting warmed up. From tomorrow there’s a 4-5 day window of solid east-nor-east swell headed our way – thanks to TC Ana and TC Lucas. That should feed all the beaches in our city with something fun to ride.

Bondi this morning was cray-cray busy at rush hour – just for an hour…before everyone rushed back in to kick off their workday.

The early sunrise was a pleasant change from all the cloud and rain.

The new Kelly Slater/Akila Aipa “Flat Earth” twin looks like a perfect Bondi board. What your go-to?

The water is salubriously warm right now, all I am wearing in a 2mm vest and shorties when surfing. Project Blank make an excellent comfortable vest for only $100 bucks. Kids vests too! Free delivery with code “Aquabumps10”

Enjoy this glorious day. It’s magic.

:: uge

Buy a summer vest for only $100

Sammy Davies negotiating the close outs


North Bondi - a hive this morning


Ethan Davis from Bronte


Hi Lara


Jason Boon raking the leaves


North end golds


Ok, here's your shot Mickey


Backlit shreds


Springs coiled


You know there's waves when JJ paddles out


The Frenchman grinding them to find 'em


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