The swell has finally returned, sunrise colours are back also. It was a pleasant morning down the beach – kinda warm too.
After days and days of flatness, there’s a rideable wave at Bondi. It’s around waist to chest high on sets. Winds are NNE around 18 knots causing some surface disturbance.
Project Blank are offering 10% off their new line of eco-friendly wetsuits. They do kids and women’s too! My son Jet loves his three-two steamer – he’s never been warmer in the brine. Shop wetties for the little ones (use Aquabumps10 to get 10% off)
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I really miss Bondi. As soon as the borders open up I am going to visit my sister in Balmain so I will be sure to head straight to the beach after that! Awesome photos by the way.