What no Aquabumps for a few days? How are you coping? I’ve got heaps of messages of concern, some wondering if I’m locked up with The Rona in quarantine! All is well, (No Ronaski) just school holidays and taking time off the tools to catch a few waves rather than shooting them. Aquabumps updates will […]

Sydney is flat, so I decided to visit the (typically) flat water beach of Coogee. Coogee is an Aboriginal word, but Google is telling me it has a few different meanings. 1 study on the name ‘Coogee’ refers to it as the “Smelly place” due to the rotting seaweed on the beach. Another search reveals […]

A Beach Day
There’s no doubt about it, today is a beach day. Exquisite conditions this morning – a warm start, no wind and invigorating cold water. Not Siberian water temps – but cool. The waves have dissipated into knee cappers. It’s probably even too small for beginners. Go swim. For the record, that wasn’t me flying in […]

What another magic spring day outside as the mercury creeps up to 27 degrees. The water is frigid, I got an icecream headache after my first dunk. Yesterdays howling northerlies reeking havoc with our water temps again! This morning we have grooming westerlies and a small NE swell. At East facing beaches, there are waves […]

We’re set for a brilliantly sunny, warm, spring day as we head towards 30 degrees. It’s so nice outside, enjoy it, as winds will be stronger later and a chance of a thunderstorm tonight. The water was cold. It’s always cool after days of northerlies. We’ve got a NE swell in town, I didn’t see […]

Fresh Coconuts
There are fresh coconuts on Bondi Beach today, all the way from an idyllic pacific island. Damn that southerly blew hard last night, nearly lost our boards as we exited the ocean. All that southerly kicked up some swell. It’s definitely not pumping, but surfable. We haven’t seen waves in ages, and ages. So I […]

Working @ Bondi
29% of Australians have been working from home in the last quarter (Source: Roy Morgan 14+). I know many have enjoyed being out of the city; surf at lunch, run at sunrise, so much more time in their day. 2020 is going to go down for many things, it’s also the busiest I’ve seen the […]

Warm one…
A couple of really warm days ahead with north winds – twenty-five today. Such a good opportunity to take a swim – but – damn – that water is cold. Watching peoples faces as they enter the water was entertaining… The banks are diabolical. I’ve said that for a few months, I know, maybe with […]

The swell has finally returned, sunrise colours are back also. It was a pleasant morning down the beach – kinda warm too. After days and days of flatness, there’s a rideable wave at Bondi. It’s around waist to chest high on sets. Winds are NNE around 18 knots causing some surface disturbance. Project Blank are […]

It’s tiny but nice. A 5:40 am high tide was concealing any goodness, as waves trickled to the shore at 1 foot. North Bondi had a kids/mal/foamie wave every now and then – don’t get too excited. It’s super sunny, and warm – now get excited. Go for a swim. You will feel great. Get […]

Swim holes
I toured most of the beaches of the east this morning, I didn’t see a wave break with a human on it. Now that is saying something…needless to say, this week has been lacking in waves for surfers around here. A lot of grumpy people because of it! Let’s hope next week is more fruitful. […]

Run of the mill
Firstly, congratulations on making it all the way down here to read today’s informative, factually sometimes accurate Aquabumps update. It’s kinda a vanilla morning which nuisance onshore winds. It’s not really surfable, definitely swimmable and kinda hangable – with a slight chill. It will be onshore until tomorrow afternoon, which will be a welcome treat […]

It’s not a pretty picture down the beach. The wind is up, the kitesurfers are out, the rain is about to start…catch my drift? For the past eight weeks, I’ve gone on a photography spree around Sydney. Spending all this time around home has been an excellent opportunity to get to know this great city […]

When Sydney weather turns on everybody is in a good mood. Loads of people flocked to the beach for a sunrise swim. Pleasant, wasn’t it? A sunny day with 24 degrees ahead. Water is still fresh. Waves – zip. Nada. Flatness. Pancakes. NE winds ahead of tomorrow’s south change – which is when the rain […]

Being Monitored
This week kicks off with flatness. It’s kinda like a lake down there and swimming is your best bet. Sunshine is in abundance, rain coming mid-week which will also bring swell towards the tail end of the week. I don’t think you will see surfable conditions until at least Thursday. Tomorrow is going to be […]

Every person that owns a surf craft in the eastern suburbs paddled out at Bondi Beach this morning. The crowds were big but well spaced apart – don’t worry. Everyone had a smile as they welcomed a real spring day. The waves are tiny and suit swimming, longboarding, or if you’re learning. I know you […]

Unfortunately, yesterdays swell increase has already dissipated, and we’re back to knee to waist high waves. Winds are non-existent, and water surfaces are glassy. A massive pack of beginners were up north whilst south Bondi was relatively empty – due to a lack of rideable opportunities in wave shape. The mercury will tap 26 degrees […]

It’s spring today, can you believe it? This very strange year is progressing so fast – soon we will be back in bushfire season! Chin up, we’re all in this together – just a little further apart. It all kicked off with a few colour tints over Ben Buckler earlier this morning. There are waves […]