How are you doing? Bit restless? Missing your old life, ah-huh. Become a news junkie – I hear ya. Online shopping a new hobby? Yep. Good – keep it going. Started your own Youtube channel? Improved your cooking? It sounds like all this home isolation has been working well in Australia. Things are looking up […]

The Conduit
Ding-Ding! Like a Boxing Day sale, Bondi Beach opened at 7 am for surfing, and there was a mad dash for the lineup. Wave-starved frothing lunatics filled their wave quotas before locking themselves up for the day (at home). Statistics have already shown a drop in mental health today! Hooray! That means fewer bank robberies, […]

Tomorrow the door will open, just a tad, allowing you to surf or swim at Bondi (whilst maintaining social distancing – of course). Bondi beach remains closed otherwise. When I say swim and surf, I mean for exercise and mental health, not frolic in the shallows, sunbake in your new leopard-skin thong or build sandcastles. […]

I’m no epidemiologist but I think it’s fair to say international travel will be off the cards for a while, even after relaxed social distancing rules. I won’t lie, I’ve got itchy feet, normally we travel a helluva lot. A mate suggested I sit at a crammed kiddie table, noise-cancelling headphones on, eating slightly overcooked […]

It’s a magic day outside, hard one to be inside, I know. Ah-huh. I get it. You can still go for a long walk, ride, run…you just can’t loiter! The word on the street is the recently opened beaches from Randwick Council had plenty of sunbathers and hangers – don’t stuff this up people! Killing […]

Wax up shreddogs, next week Waverley Council is reopening Bondi Beach for surfers and swimmers between 7-5 (weekdays only). After getting shacked in the south corner you won’t be able to hang around the shoreline and gloat – it’s surf’n’go only. Don’t stuff this up guys, you must continue to observe social distancing whilst in […]

Groundhog Day
Still in your pyjamas? C’mon, it’s now midday. Ava shower at least and you can switch on video mode for your Zoom calls. It’s hard not to watch the 24-hour news at the moment. I’ve been trying to limit myself to 30-45mins a day…to keep the spirits up and be positive in such strange times. […]

One strange observation of COVID19 is the hackers/sp*mmmers are having a field day! My social channel comments range from money laundering advertisements to flirtatious women, offering…well…all sorts of stuff. Someone has hacked my twitter account yesterday (from Boston), and in seconds they’ve locked me out and changed everything (yes yes yes, I’ve logged tickets with […]

Home Sweet Home
I know, you’re sick of being home and want your old life back. We all do, you’re not alone. What a great time to learn something new! Every day I am trying to learn a new skill, mainly through Youtube. Just google anything, and I bet there’s a “How to…” video on it. Learn the […]

Amore dall’Italia
Italy has been hard hit by The Rona. I don’t think we need to go over those statistics that are on a constantly looping on the tele. It’s just so damn sad. It’s no secret, I’ve got a soft spot for Italy. People think I’m Italian, I’m not…the dark tan misleads many. For many years […]

Free hugs?
Hi party people, after a few weeks of social dancing distancing, hiding in our homes, we could all do with a hug. Well, it’s illegal to hug anyone outside your family right now (!@#$ who’d thought I’d ever write those words). Usually, a hug fixes everything in the world! Remember Juan Mann?Back in 2004 hugging […]

We can all do with a bit of nostalgia this morning. Life has changed for all of us, no matter where you reside. Have you settled into a new @home routine? It’s a weird time – I know. One of my brothers is doing bicep curls with laundry detergent bottles (odd), my wife is doing […]

When we’re all done with The Rona, we’re gonna do some travel – you and I. Yeah, it may be a while, but let’s dream… One destination that blew my mind – Croatia – in particular the Dalmation Coast. If you like the ocean and sailing – boom, you’re nuts if you don’t go there. […]

Ocean Pools
New South Wales is the home of Australia’s unique ocean pools. There are over 100 salty, seaside pools built into rocky points and nooks in this state. Most of them built over 100 years ago. They were originally set up to provide safe swimming havens from our wild oceans and waves, maybe a bit of […]

Fitness First
You can leave your house if you’re going to work, seeing the Doc, food shopping, visiting your romantic partner(s) (a few of my mates making a few stops) OR EXERCISE. Oh boy, people are hitting the outdoor exercise hard and for hours and hours – we’re gonna be a nation of ripped, tanned, fit rigs. […]

Free Ship
I’ve received a few emails saying why don’t I post some of my favourite images of all time. So bang! Here they are…12 images I’m proud of. (Really hard to narrow it down). Free ship? Nah I am not talking about Ruby Princess (what a debacle that has ended up being). Crazy times call for […]

We’ve all been inside, in iso for a while now. You’re all doing great. Really. The news tells me we are showing early signs of a flattening curve. Keep up the good work. Speaking of curves, there are not many waves today as we have a NE wind swell (1-2ft) and trailing NE wind. It’s […]

How we all going with this new ‘working-from-home’ thing? Mastered it yet? Our internet connection NBN keeps crappin’ out, for days at a time, so that makes online homeschooling/working interesting. In fact, nothing in our house works without the internet – including me! You know when a slow cooker Carbonara recipe goes viral that we’re […]