
I realise everything in your life has been cancelled, work, projects, meetings, hugging, holidays, toilet paper…but don’t worry, old mate Aquabumps is still gonna pump out the beach vibes daily. Waves are still breaking and the sun is seeping over the hill, right on time…

Some great uncrowded waves at sunrise – head high. Clouds are clearing and I reckon beach weather for the rest of the week (space yourself out).

Stuck at home? Get your fruit and veg delivered, Fruitman Sam to the rescue. Once a week my household receives a box direct from the markets (we’ve been getting the boxes for around 9 years now). Shop online or contact Gavin on 0420 906 061

Foot-tap, seeya and take care out there :: uge

Get Fruit/Veg Box Delivered

Over head high sets, bonus


Yep, the sun is still shining!


A drainer!


"Must fight virus, must get fit, must fight virus"


Some good lefts


And the odd right...


The world is scary enough place, let alone have people jogging around in these vests

Yep, Bondi, it's still there...

Carve off the top


Sol, middles, sets.


3 thoughts on “Cancellations

  1. Thanks for your continuous rays of sunshine through these crap times Uge. Stay safe, from Jo, enjoying the quietest St. Patrick’s Day Ireland has ever seen! 💚🇮🇪☕☕☕😆

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