Straighty 180
There’s plenty of south swell around but absolutely NO banks for them to break on. Oh my, it’s straight az. I’m talking the world’s greatest closeouts – you’d barely get a chance to get to your feet before it shuts down on you. Shame, as it was offshore and head high on sets – good […]

Where’s Uge?
Have you been missing something in your day? Is life not complete? I know, I know….it’s been far too long since you’ve received your salty fix from Aquabumps. Too long indeed. It’s me…not you. For two weeks I unplugged from all things Aquabumps and spent plenty of time in the ocean, well away from Bondi. […]

Plain Jane
It was a very plain kinda morning…nothing really to note. The skies were filled with morning cloud, Fluro Fridays were huddling in the corner, and the early low tide provided no joy for surfers. 1-2 footers broke inadequately on shallow, straight banks. I noticed around 9 am it was getting bigger with a higher tide. […]

My journey into photography began in black and white (film). Digi wasn’t dreamt up back then… I was a kid tinkering in a makeshift home darkroom (A.K.A Mum’s laundry). Ma was stoked when I hung my prints on her line, dripping fixer chemicals all over the families clothes. When I was 15, I found the underutilised darkroom […]

After a 30 knot evening, we still have plenty of onshore flow. Bondi is junkie but rideable. Good for your aerials! (especially after watching Italo at the Quiky pro). There is plenty of chunk in the bump – I saw some sets in the 5-foot range – boom! Winds will slightly ease into tonight. Tomorrow and […]

Too Low
LOW TIDE 4:47 AM (0.5m), not ‘nuf water for surfers this morning. Shame…’cause conditions were excellent. Yesterday was a cracker. It was the sort of day we could replay over and over and not be bored. Today is similar; only the swell has dropped out. A windy southerly is about to hit, possibly bringing rain […]

The extended morning sessions are back! Yesterday the clocks reverted -1 hour as daylight savings ends. There’s a lot more light in your mornings to get the beach rituals done. This morning was a cracker. Crispy, clean autumn light, gentle offshore winds, head high waves and plenty of warmth in and out of the water. I’ve […]

Week Recap
It’s rare for me not to shoot the beaches in the morning. It’s been my daily ritual for over 20 years now…but today I was feeling a little under the weather and opted for some deep sleep to sort it out – all better now thanks! Seeing it’s Friday, I thought I’d do a little recap […]

It may only be 2 foot, but the rip at the south end is like a wild rapid in the mountains. I could barely swim against the rip with my camera to get into position for shooting… For one hour, I was on loop. Sucked out, swim back in near 2nd ramp, drift to the […]

Good morning! There are a few surfable waves today. A 7:05 am high tide proved fruitful with our current straight-bank situation. Bondi had clean head high waves, predominantly lefts. Really not many crew out (for a sunny morning). Air temps have dropped into Autumn standards yet the warm water prevails. Winds will kick around to the NE […]

Bronte Reef (AKA Bunnies) had a few sloppy head high waves this morning. A couple of adventurous souls out in the darkness, hunting, waiting optimistically. Winds are ESE 11 knots (onshore basically everywhere)…it’s not really a beach day! Sit back, relax, grab a cuppa, maybe watch a few of my mini films from better times. Check […]

Oh SNAP! Just like that the Summer dream ends and the Autumn cooling cycle kicks in. On Saturday it was 31 degrees around lunchtime, then by dinner time, it plummeted to 14. Fortunately, the water temperatures remain decent. Autumn time is good for surfing around here. Typically Autumn brings plenty of SW offshores and rogue southern […]