No Royal couples, no wind (yet), not really any waves…but yes, we have sunshine! Ah yes, Bondi’s back to its usual spring pattern.
The 7:30am high tide was killing it for surfers. Waves limped into the south facing Bondi whilst it was waaaay too full for Tama. Lower tides will be more promising.
If you’re coming to check out the sculptures, please remember to pop into our Bondi gallery to see some new stuff on the walls.
Cheers, :: uge
amazing drone shots!
mavic 2 pro?
Yep Mavic 2 pro. Decent shots out of it. Still can’t blow up big prints, but loving shooting with it. Cheers, uge
Love today’s shots. Gives me a real idea of how Bondi is laid out. Can you tell me what is so controversial about the pavilion? Thanks, Penny.
Lots of people don’t like the renovations proposed.