I tried hard to cover all angles this morning, from air, land and other beaches. Tomorrow I’ll attempt the trifecta with water shots in the mix.
There is some left over south swell still in town; it’s only 1-2 foot at the moment. Bondi was closing out with an 8 am low tide. I’d call Bondi unsurfable at sunrise. It’s a tad better now with some more water on it.
A mate (Paulie) and I have been working with drones since their inception. I’ve just purchased the new Mavic Pro 2 with Hasselblad camera. (that’s what shot these aerials today). With a new larger image sensor, it does have incredible photographic quality – but I still don’t think you’ll get a 2-metre wide fine art print out of it – like my helicopter work. For the size and cost – it’s pretty incredible though. How fast the drone sector is moving forward is mind-blowing!
:: uge
Just don’t operate your drone within a 10 km radius of Sydney airport!!!
I saw a real estate photographer get shut down by a federal police cyber alert when he tried to launch in Botany.Amazing technology.
Wow Ugh the lighting in ‘Go on dive right in Bronte’ have to be the best shot I’ve seen at that pool. Incredible always setting the benchmark for inspiring photographers. Welldone.
Thanks Charlotte, uge
So I am watching ‘Bondi Rescue’ season 11, from Portugal, where they told about Eugene. It’s so impressive what a good job these lifeguards do each day, but also how civilians do help other people in need, as Eugene did save the life of that young guy from Nepal. So, as they told (in the 4th episode) about Eugene posting in Aquabumps, I decided to start following this page and feel a bit closer to Bundi and hopefully come by and visit one day.
Ah gee- thanks! Uge