The Cyclades
The Cyclades is probably the most famous group of islands in Greece. The Greek God Apollo was born here. The Cyclades contains islands like Mykonos, Ios, Santorini. Each island seems to have a different personality. Some mellow, some loose. Mykonos is pretty wild in parts, but there are some chilled areas. They all have fantastic […]

In a recent Instagram poll on my feed, we asked where you’d like to see some images from if I was to shoot over to Europe in peak season. 49% said Greece. So here I am kids. Plonked myself in the eye of the storm, probably the best known Greek (party) Island of Mykonos. I know […]

After a few months of completely clear skies, I’m stoked to see some decent rain in Sydney (finally). I pray that the rain is reaching our farmers in need. You may have noticed that I’ve been on a massive shooting binge lately, hoping from aircraft to aircraft, trying to cover as much of this state as […]

There are still some leftovers from the recent swell breaking at Bondi. The banks don’t look as good as they have been, but there are some wedges out there. The winds will go onshore mid-morning but remain quite light. Suitable for your aerial practice. Nothing fantastic on the swell radar, just some little chest to […]

Country NSW
Today’s update is a little different. It’s from out west, really west. I’m talking a few hundred km’s west around the region of Orange. They need rain out there. It’s real this drought. I flew over dried up rivers and paddocks that were like dust bowls. It looks like a little bit of rain will […]

Bigger better?
Does size count? Is bigger better? Would you rather surf closing out 6-8 foot or clean, 4 foot with multiple opportunities to stab a few holes in the open face. Big swells don’t seem to work well around here (in my opinion). We don’t have reefs that can hold a decent chunk, and our sand […]

The forecasted swell has arrived, it’s smaller than predicted, but very very south (or even Southwest). When it’s too south, it can fly straight past Sydney. Finding a decent wave to surf will be challenging. Bondi was a mess with too much going on. There is going to be waves all week long, it’s not […]

Firstly, it’s Friday, so yes, I have a little film from Avalon for you all shot on my Google Pixel 2 phone. Watch Secondly, Bondi has waves. Yes, surfable conditions are upon us! (1 to 2 foot) A vast, frothing, wave deprived crowd are all over it as well. Even with those super cold devil […]

My morning unfolded a lil’ like this: 6:00 am – Surf check at Bondi – nada, zip, flat-a-rama, pancakes. 6:30 am – Decide to wander over to Bronte, just for a change in scenery. Shoot. Nice light as the sun rose late behind some cloud. Bronte Pool back open and very empty (1 swimmer) 7:00 […]

Corrupt Card
Every day I shoot with two or more cameras. I’m not a fan of changing lenses on the run, so I bring whole camera bodies dedicated to a particular focal length (at risk of looking like one of those sports photographers on the sidelines of the footie with four bodies dangling from the neck). Today one […]

The claws of winter run deep this morning. It’s that west wind. Whenever it’s around, it penetrates! When the old salty sea dogs are coming out of the water, red-faced and complaining, you know it’s cold. Waves – finally the swell drought is broken with a few head high waves. Oh boy, it’s been a while. […]

The Big Dry
A windy morning with frosty offshores straight off ‘dem mountains. Damn, it felt cold down there just before sunrise. Everyone was coming out of the water with bright red faces. Waves – yep, we have some. I saw the odd waist to shoulder high bump pumping into Bondi. A 9:40 am high tide was doing […]

The water was chilly today. I’m calling it 17 degrees, which is pretty close to the coldest it will get for Sydney. Happy to see a brand-spankin’ new East swell start to trickle in (waist high waves). It was full as a boot with an early high tide, but the problem is it will go […]

It was such a nice day that I ended up shooting the Sapphire/Eurobodalla, Coast NSW, 7 hours drive south from Sydney. I’ve never been down that far – it’s halfway to Melbourne! I’ve heard stories of deserted, idyllic beaches with countless surf peaks. I was in awe of just how many beaches are down there […]

For the third time in 7 days, the skies lit up with intensively vivid hues, like a Warhol piece. Sometimes we don’t get any colours in the skies for months. To get this many in a week is pretty cool. Makes shooting flat Bondi very interesting. It’s true. I’ve seen a helluva lot of sunrises. Thousands. […]

The calm before the storm. All still, neat, organised at sunrise this morning. At 12 pm I write to you and it’s now hooooooowwling 30 knots of Nor-west winds. If there were swell, it would’ve been blown out to sea by now. The next time you will be surfing is this Thursday/Friday. Don’t expect stand up […]

We’re having a fantastic run of colour in the mornings. Looking out the window right now, staring at dark grey clouds and rain, you probably wouldn’t believe me! Lucky I nailed some photographic evidence. The colour didn’t hang around long though…blink and you’d miss this one. Our Underwater Dance series featuring The Australian Ballet in […]

We’re pretty lucky. Some of the stuff I see down the end of the road is amazing – like this mornings sunrise at Bondi. Just the right amount of thin cloud created a beautiful little colour curtain around Ben Buckler this morning. Hope you took a few minutes to watch the day unfold. Waves – […]

Underwater Dance
Today I have something a little different for you, a unique series of images shot underwater, of The Australian Ballet, wearing custom Dion Lee. We’ve called this project the ‘Underwater Dance’. We used the new Paper platform on Dropbox to all work together online, as all the parties involved live outside Sydney. Read more about this here […]

Early swims
It’s sometimes hard to get into the ocean before the sun’s warmth has risen over Ben Buckler. In the depths of winter, I force myself to swim early because I know how good it feels afterwards – sets you up for the day! (And it’s kinda my job) Tiny waves, still surfable. Waist high sets. […]