Colour Run
A little bump in swell provided some rideable surf this morning. It’s no Nias 20 foot right-hander with boats going over the falls, but it’s contestable. Calling it waist to shoulder high at Bondi. The main attraction of the morning was the sunrise – wow – what colours! After weeks of clear mornings, we finally […]

Good morning crew. The beach is all quiet, no waves, clouds or people this morning at sunrise. They say swell is coming, but the forecasts lately have been very inaccurate. I wanna see it before I call it. Yesterday they couldn’t run Boardriders due to lack of waves. This video is funny, commenting on the […]

Hurro, It’s Friday so let’s kick off with a short film, from last month’s boat trip in the salubrious Mentawais, all shot on my phone (Google Pixel 2). Secondly, I owe you an apology. Up until today, you’ve been viewing my images in low-res, lo-def, 1990’s blurry resolution. So if you have a fancy Retina, […]

There’s still a wave on this morning; it’s around shoulder high but a little inconsistent. The winds are WNW, and the swell is from the south benefiting Bondi frothers. The left near 2nd ramp had some excellent little runners – but the morning crowds were keen! Busy. Glorious sunny day, again. Go outside for lunch. […]

Return to the South
I’ve returned to the south hopefully in sync with a new SE swell which is overdue. This morning was showing promise of a 2-3 foot set, but the 6:40 am high tide was concealing any decent bumps. Wait for lower tides and I reckon there will be something. Clear skies. Colder in the water (or […]

Orpheus Island
Normally I chase reefs with 200-metre piping right-handers and no crowds…however, this reef is just as spectacular without a single wave breaking – The Great Barrier Reef (the largest reef system in the world!). Even Astronauts can see The Great Barrier Reef from space as it’s 2300 kilometres long, containing 2900 reefs and around 900 […]

Bondi Pigment
It was a reverse Bondi sunrise today, all the colours glowing on the opposite side of the bay. Very pink one! I was surprised to see decent waves this morning (Maximum shoulder high). I think I arrived in sync with a small swell pulse. The left bank was spitting out some trimmable, hackable lefts. I […]

The Great Lakes
I spend a lot of time overseas but have found some of the best beaches are right here in New South Wales. We’re lucky to have countless bays and clear blue water (sans humans). Today’s images are shot from a short hike to the Great Lakes of NSW – up on the Mid-North Coast, only […]

It’s been quite an amazing week for surf…and Bondi has some great little banks. The swell is smaller today but there is still a head high wave out there. Suns out too. If you’re shackled to your office cubicle, don’t worry, there is a new swell coming tonight. You’ll get some. Plenty of options. I […]

I’m a coastal honkie. I spend 99.9% of my time hugging the beaches and rarely venture inland. Today I ended up 1000 kilometres inland for my daily shoot! On the VIC/SA borders with NSW you’ll find an ancient dried up lake now called Mungo National Park. It’s a bizarrely beautiful place with ancient sand/clay formations […]

Good waves, good times…hope you’ve got the day off work. After so much recent agitation it looks like the ocean has finally settled. Bondi has some really fun waves on offer this morning. It looks like the sand movements from the recent pounding swell have improved the bank setup and closed the large gutters in […]

Illawarra Flybys
Today I’ve flown 200 clicks down the coast to give you a broader surf report. Tough job – I know. Soon drones will probably do my job, and I’ll sleep in. (Drones didn’t shoot today’s photos – btw) Heading south from Wollongong it’s spectacular to see all the beaches from above. New South Wales is blessed with […]

There’s a thumping, chunky, monster swell in town today. It’s big, very big. Like 8 foot plus big. Winds were offshore this morning but it looks pretty rogue for surfers. If you wanna get wet, you will either have to go to a very protected south corner or hit a reef that holds chunk. We […]

Quite confusing what to wear in the mornings, the weather has been all over the shop. This morning at sunrise was teeshirts only. Small confused north wind swell is in town, the odd 2 footer. Nothing special. The biggest news of the day is that it’s gonna heat up to 25 degrees – beach weather […]

There was some crazy tooting going on this morning; it woke me up. For a while, I couldn’t work out what the hell was going on??? Then I realised they were fog horns on the ships in the harbour – but tooting that much? A drunken sailor at the helm? Oh boy – what a […]

Holy smokes, it’s turned orrn overnight…just not at Bondi. Bondi looks terrible and neglecting the primary ENE swell source. Loads of other northern exposed beaches have 4 foot plus waves with clean grooming offshores. Booya! I only shot one surfer this morning, Blake Thornton, as he was the only one out! It looked a bit […]

Stock Standard
I’ve had 3 coffees trying to formulate today’s update. There’s not a lot going on down the beach. Bondi’s sandbanks aren’t great and there wasn’t much light this morning. Swell is lacking but hopefully tomorrow we will get a bit more. If you’d like a framed print of my recent shoots in Newcastle, go here. I’m […]

I’ve driven past Newcastle a hundred times but rarely stopped. To be honest, I didn’t know much about the joint…but after spending a weekend there I have a new found respect for this vibrant coastal city. ‘Newy’ is 160 clicks north of Sydney and has an incredible set of beaches, all with promising surfing setups. The […]