Later 2017
It’s been a fun year together, lots of moving around and seeing new places. Thanks for tuning into Aquabumps as we complete our 18th year! I never thought my little hobby would get this far… I’m now gonna turn off the phones, laptops and cameras for a few weeks and teach my kids to do ollies […]

Yep, right on schedule…that smotherly hit yesterday arvo cooling things back down after peaking at 38 degrees. Hot wasn’t it? All stormy and grey down the beach this morning. Onshore with 0.5 footers. Today is not surfable but definitely swimmable – the North End had a little protection from the onshore wind. The next good […]

Warning: these photos may make you ditch work, strip down and float around North Bondi for the rest of the day. It is currently a whoppin’ 38 degrees outside. That’s hot and muggy in Sydney. I’m sure one of those cooling changes won’t be far away – so what are you waiting for? It’s the […]

I caught up with big wave legend Marky ‘Chalkie’ Matthews this morning. He’s been seriously injured (twice) over the past two years. His nickname ‘Chalk’ is in reference to his brittle bones that often break when you’re surfing 20 foot slabs of death. His last fall was at a nasty south coast slab that drilled […]

Yo. Warm muggy warm down there. NE swell is in town, but it’s finding it’s way in the middle bank of Bondi quick nicely. Saw a head high set there this morning and it should get bigger this arvo. Last minute Christmas shopping? We’ve got you covered. Punch in a present budget on our new […]

Sydney weather is like a wild ride on a rollercoaster. Belting hot moments flanked by smothering southerly cool changes. Repeat. Hot/Cold. Calm/Windy. Repeat. Last night was stinking hot – it felt like Singapore. One helluva thunderstorm at dinner time. This morning, howling southerly onshores, 1-2 foot NE swells, empty beaches. You’ve heard me spruiking our […]

Summer Blast
Last night’s howling Northerlies have kicked up some wind swell. It’s not pumping, but surfable. Bondi doesn’t favour this swell direction and tends to break more in the middle than the magnetic south end. I imagine exposed beaches today would have some joy like Manly, Maroubra, Tama, Whaley etc. If you like my images you […]

Hello. Hola. Bom Dia. Ciao. I hope you’re loving this exquisite weather. Delightful ain’t it? Bondi stepped up a gear this morning…it was crazy packed at sunrise. We have visitors from all over the globe ducking down the beach to get a glimpse of our famous sunrises. Ok, some were still out from the night […]

One of the best things about my ‘job’ is that I meet around 4-5 new people every day down the beach. As you all know, Bondi is one helluva popular beach and there is a constant flow of people, all year-around. We get all types from all walks of life. Yesterday I was talking to 1-year-old […]

The Concrete Beach
Yesterday was a superb beach day. Not too hot, not cold. Spent a bit of time shooting down at Clovelly yesterday, our local concrete beach. If you don’t like sand or waves at your beach, Cloey is for you. Why so much concrete? During The Great Depression, Randwick Council instituted a scheme to keep unemployed […]

Planetary Alignment
We’ve had a good run the past coupla days. The surf has been pretty awesome and today the 5 am sunrise was a blaze of colour over Bondi. It’s a tad smaller today with 3-4 footers but from sunrise, it’s been super clean and hollow – pretty much everywhere I looked! Sydney loves an East swell, […]

Bondi, Tamarama, Maroubra, Manly, Avalon Everywhere is on the cook today. The planets have aligned, Christmas has come early, the winds are offshore and the swell has straightened out (now it’s dead east). Dead east means every beach along our coastline has something cooking. The fields are full of clover – go indulge. It’s gonna drop […]

Today’s quite interesting. I am not too sure what to make of it. Last night it all flipped, we now have an NE swell – and a big one. Waves look very junkie around here – but I KNOW places must be cooking right now. F.O.M.Oing quite badly here at my desk. I’d check the […]

Yeah Nah
Nothing special down the beach again this morning. Bondi has plenty of 2-4 footers but a flanking onshore is messing it up. Bondi was eerily quiet – not very summer like. Winds going offshore tomorrow, Wednesday clouds clearing. Thursday a cracker beach day. Gotta love Air New Zealand for their creativity – watch this to […]

Blown Out
Today is an absolutely perfect day for…for…online Christmas shopping! The beach has transformed from yesterday’s baking sunshine into onshore, rain and emptiness. The beach is all yours. Look at the bright side – the water temp will finally bounce from the frosty 15 degrees. How damn cold was it yesterday – coldest water of the […]

Finders Keepers
Hola! Onshore NE winds came early spoiling the opportunity to get wet this morning. Bondi was tiny, maybe Tama later on the low tide. The weekend looks good for surfers with plenty of NE swell. ’bout time! Our pals and local crew, The Critical Slide Society have buried a brand spanking new board on Bondi Beach. […]