Pink Tides
I shot my 6300th sunrise this morning down at Bondi Beach, so I am qualified to say this…it was a cracker. One of the greatest. Why so good? I look for interesting cloud formations. A cloudless morning isn’t that impressive for sunrise pics. This morning had a great bunch of puffy clouds hovering over Ben […]

Sky Show
First up, let’s wrap the week with a tiny 1-minute video called ‘PLUME’, all shot this week, around here. C’mon, you’re not that busy that you can’t watch 60 seconds of waves…taking your mind elsewhere. Ok now, let’s talk about this morning…it was such a weird one. It looked way too cloudy to have anything […]

Fiery Plumes
After a couple days of rest, the thumpin’ swells are back. What a good supply! Flanking the mighty chunks we’ve got howling offshores, creating really interesting plumes. Good shooting fodder. Sadly the swell is TOO big for Bondi Beach. It’s maxed out, closing out. You need to surf elsewhere. :: uge

Bondi had some really fun waves this morning. We’re all loving our new sand banks created from the recent mega swell. Lots of peaks up and down the beach, so many options. It was only head high, but there’s a bit of lip to it…making it rippable. Mum, that translates to ‘Good waves to surf’ […]

Swell Hangover
Well…where do I start? OK, maybe watch this first. The weekend was full of rogue south swell. What an action packed weekend! So much going on. 10 footers were a common sight. I thought it was quite hard to find surfable waves though. I didn’t search too hard, but it was maxing out, everywhere. Yesterday […]

Turning on…
A nice morning to wake up to 6-foot waves in Sydney. The offshores are freezing though. Dress up for the occasion. It’s a south swell and a bit too big for Bondi, which was empty. Bondi can’t handle waves over head high – we need a reef for that. A few nooks and crannies around the […]

Four to Five
Well, Alluelia…looky what we have here today. S W E L L. The good stuff. Stuff from the south and around 4 foot. A small was crowd enjoying the fruits of a new swell at sunrise. The offshores were keeping it neat and tidy, and sometimes hollow. So good to see swell after a rather […]

Well, it’s not exactly J-Bay. About the only thing we have in common with J-Bay today is shark sightings. Bondi is pretty tiny, micro, minuscule. Clean though. J-Bay on the other hand was pumping yesterday. How good was it? How about the day ending with yet another shark in the lineup? (Julian Wilson may be […]

Winter Light
In Winter the light is so much cleaner, crisper. In Summer we seem to get this hazy light, like a blurry filter over everything. Nah, not now. Not in July. I see crispy clean warm colours, everywhere I look. Anything looks good in this light. Anything. The Corona J-Bay Open is firing. Here is my […]

Lucky 8
The number 8 is considered very lucky to the Chinese. Pronounce ‘Ba’…similar to ‘Fa’ which means making a fortune! This morning was 8 degrees down the beach. A very r-ucky morning indeed! A wealth of sunshine, windless beaches and warm water. All we need is swell. Great conditions for my six-year-old son. Come on Huey! Throw us […]

1st up…It’s Friday so I’ve made a 1 min film clip of the week. (mostly shot this morning). Yeah, it’s cold outside. It’s surprisingly warm still in the water. The only hard part is getting into a damp wettie in the dark and sprinting across the icy sand. The rest is a breeze. Our London […]

An almighty thick cloud blocked our light for most of the morning. There was lots of waiting around, waiting for it to come good. Around 8am it did just that. Golden light burst across the Bondi bay from North. Nice! Waves – yes, we’ve got head high closeouts. Some of Australia’s finest closeouts can be […]

It was an odd kinda morning. The change is here. It looked inviting (for a bit) then dumped rain. I’m writing this with rays of sunshine spraying into the studio…so I’m assuming all good now? Maybe. The weather is messing with us. Flirting with us. We cannot complain as we’ve had a fantastic run of […]

Yet again, another winter corker. Fortunately, the swell spiked up a bit. Clean air, clear skies, warm water – the whole bit. I’ve got this week’s Episode 3 ready to go, all filmed around here by yours truly. Every Friday I will try to release a short film summarising the week just gone. Grab a cuppa, […]

Wash Off
I had a most enjoyable swim this morning. It was really quite something. It’s a combo of heavenly warm water, crisp winter sunshine and little wind. The waves are tiny, yet with a good attitude and longboard, you’d have a blast! The sand is freezing though. It’s a quick dash across. Looking at the swell […]

Justin Beiber was in Bondi yesterday. Shirtless. Inked. Parading. The word is that he’s here to shop at Louis Vuitton’s pop-up store on Roscoe, others say he’s here for a Hillsong mega conference. I thought he was looking for some Aquabumps prints from the gallery…but we all know why he’s here…our new Ferris wheel. It’s […]

Crispy Clear
What a beautiful crispy morning. Nowhere near as cold as yesterday huh? A few layers still required. Bondi hosted waist to chest high waves. That’s a good size for Bondi. Any bigger and it tends to close out. I saw some fun runners on an incoming tide. Surfing forecast is for really small waves all […]