Feb Vs March
We’ve been experiencing a very wet March. I bet you didn’t know that historically March actually is the wettest month of the year? Yesterday, remnants of ex-cyclone Debbie blew and dowsed the city for hours. Its looking 1,000 times better right now (10:40 am Friday). 5 things you need to know about the weather: Partly sunny and […]

Debbie does…
Debbie is coming to town. She’s gonna take over. The deluge is just kicking off now as I write to you. The winds will hoooooowwwwl at 30 knots (from 2 pm today). Temperatures will drop into the afternoon and your garden is going to get a good dowsing. There was some NE swell at sunrise, in […]

A dead calm morning down at Bondi Beach. Grey skies muted the morning hues…I kinda like it, makes for shadow-less photography. Waves – yes, surfable on logs (knee to waist high). There actually is a finely tuned sand bank towards the middle – could be interesting when the swell arrives. The sun will break through […]

Well, this morning wasn’t the most memorable. Complete opposite to yesterday. Grey, dark, 1 foot and onshore. Much cooler too. Look forward to tomorrows 30 degrees and sunnier skies. Cyclone Debbie, no, not my wife, is looking pretty serious up north. National Battens awareness day is this Friday the 31st March – bounce4batten have applied […]

It’s a good thing that it rained for weeks and weeks this month, as, when the weather came good, you REALLY enjoyed it. The weekend just gone in Sydney was immaculate. I am talking sunshine, waves, little wind….and perfect temps. Just glorious. This morning was no different. People walking around with a face full of […]

I’m not gunna talk about the weather. That’s all everyone has been discussing this month. I know, I know, it’s weird. Waves – yes, we have some. It’s a junkie 3 foot, but surfable. Some decent rip bowls at Bondi. The southerly arrived with the swell – making it a little bumpy. Yesterday morphed into […]

We’ve got a gap in the storms, it’s all nice and still (and not raining). Savor this moment. 19 days of rain out of a possible 22 for March. It bucketed yesterday after we last spoke, again. I believe it to be cloudy but dry this afternoon. But who really knows? The waves are tiny, […]

Outta the Darkness
Today we’re getting a little arty – get your french berets on. On 1 foot days with dark overcast skies, that’s just what you do…slow shutters, grain, grit and logs. It’s not pumpin’ but it sure is humid and muggy. Not really how I remember autumns. Good old Henry Crouch, he’s been reading Aquabumps for decades. I […]

17 out of 20
It’s rained 17 days out of 20 this March in Sydney. This could be the wettest Sydney March on record. I hope your garden is thriving. Mine is. It’s actually just started raining again, as I type these fine words. Some activity ideas for a rainy day: Watch the Quicky Pro at Snapper – tick, […]

Today I am gonna take you around the world…via a heli. It’s pouring with rain in Sydney and I’m nestled into my cubicle digging through archives. I reckon if I stopped shooting today, I would have ‘nuf images to still show you something, every day, for the rest of my life. Don’t worry, I am a […]

Volatile weather at the moment in Sydney. You just can’t predict what’s next. Last night we had some very heavy downpours. At sunrise it was pitch black and drizzly. Then, around 7:30am it busted out into sunshine?? Waves – yes, it’s bigger today with a few little sections. Windy – yes, that too. Looks like […]

2 in a row…
What, not two in a row? Yes, the sky lit up again this morning, like a Christmas tree. I gave up on it, thinking it was just going to be a sky of grey – when clouds parted and light erupted. I am quite liking the late sunrises – you don’t have to get up […]

It’s always interesting hearing feedback on my photography. Sometimes you’ve got to be thick skinned, especially when someone walks into one of our galleries and goes “Aw, it’s all photoshopped, the skies can’t possibly be that pink…” pointing at a Bondi sunrise shot on the wall. Well today, I dedicate this post to the non-believers. Today […]

I like Cronulla. It’s a good Aussie beach suburb. I spent a bit of time down in ‘The Shire’ this morning. The people are just so damn nice, every says G’day. Cronulla, a surfing reserve, also hosts some of the best barrelling, slabbing reefs in the country. They’ve got a setup for every condition which is […]

We are all patiently waiting for it to turn, for the rain to stop, mercury to climb, and the winds to go offshore (OK, even cross shore would be better than this onshore flow). The swell is medium sized, rogue, wild and pretty much unsurfable. Saturday is going to be in the GOOD – PUMPING […]

I’m back in the hood… We’ve got a nice big fat low-pressure system hanging off the coast of Sydney and it’s generating wild conditions. The longer it sits off our coast, the better surfing is going to be in a couple of days. I’m expecting it to be big towards the weekend (8ftish). Yeha! I […]

It’s a wrap… I hope you’ve enjoyed our little sojourn in Santa Monica. I love traveling to new places, your eyes are just wide open and everything is so new. It really reinvigorates my photography. The USA is an exciting place to be. L.A. is quite simply pumping – so much life! Around Santa Monica […]

Air Tour
I was lucky enough to go for a fly over Santa Monica. It’s was jaw dropping…I am still buzzing. So many people underneath us, so much life, so much going on…such a big place! Firstly, these images are NOT captured from a drone (I get asked that a lot). The image quality from drones, for me, just […]

The Californian piers are a huge part of beach culture here. The beaches run on forever, however, these piers are significant gathering points for surfers, fisherman, tourists and in Santa Monica’s case – great spot for an amusement park. The piers are great for shooting, it’s like having a cheap, low flying helicopter giving me […]

The weather has kicked up a few gears here in California. The winds are calm and the skies clear. The beaches have become a hive of activity…film crews (many), muscle dudes, tightrope walkers, acro yogis, tourists, fill the beach parks. The water is seriously cold (remember it’s winter here), but some crew still going in […]

Santa Monica
G’day from L.A. I’ve crossed the Pacific to hang out at the coastal town of Santa Monica – which feels a lil’ like Bondi. Santa Monica is a city beach, like Bondi, not far from the LAX. Santa Monica is nestled in between Venice and Malibu…right on the PCH (the big road that hugs the Cali […]