The Med
It’s summer here in The Med. I’ve returned to Italy’s Amalfi coast. It’s where the water is clear and blue, the food is amazing and a forecast of sunny/30 degrees (every day). If this coast had waves I’d never leave. August is nuts…all of Europe migrates to the Amalfi area. It’s their big holiday time like […]

Mild to Wild
Partly cloudy, chilly morning down the beach (8 degrees at sunrise). I am happy to report there’s waves (2-3 footers). Kinda wild waves today…breaking randomly. There seems to be a bit of junk on it, early. I’d surf it though… Today there might be a few showers, mostly fine on the weekend. King Kelly Slater […]

It’s stormy outside. The beach is windy, wet and surfable. I saw some fun waves on this cold morning, 2-3 foot. It’s pretty empty down there. The cold has convinced everyone to say in bed. Have you seen our latest film on Hayden from Haydenshapes? Watch // uge

I like being a photographer because I see cool stuff all the time. I love looking down the lens, one eye open, one shut…framing up something that will look interesting. Today I didn’t see much cool stuff down the beach. It’s pouring with rain, 1 foot and windy. Today’s post contains a collection of cool […]

Well that was a short fling in the Whitsundays wasn’t it? I’m now back in sunny Bondi…1-2 foot with a chill in the air. The beach was real quiet this morning and more typical winter temperatures prevail. I bring good news, swell is building from today forward. So get busy at work and take some time […]

Race Week
I’m up at Hamilton Island for The Audi Race Week. It’s a big sailor’s festival where 250 boats take over the island. It’s their biggest week of the year on this tropical island. Even though the weather was pretty overcast the emerald greens of the Whitsundays still prevail. It’s a very good looking spot indeed. […]

The Life Of Pablo
You’re probably reading this email whilst queuing up for Kanye West’s The Life Of Pablo pop-up shop opening in Bondi Pacifico…no? Oh. Hundreds of others are. It’s a global thing. 21 pop up stories launching all at once. What else do you need to know… : The Colour Run is on this Sunday at Centennial […]

I love these mornings. I know, I say that a lot… My mate GCMWGB calls me ‘Mr. Overly Optimistic (OO)’. Hard not to froth when it feels like spring in winter and you can get down there for a swim before work in perfect sunshine. It’s a bonus that there’s waves today. 2 foot lefts […]

How’s da weather…ridiculous…isn’t it? 23 degrees today – that’s beach weather. Sydney is really turning it on for us. Waves – yeah, small ones. Weak 1-2 footers. I saw a few bigger infrequent ones. OK, back to work (or the beach for the lucky few). :: uge P.S. Jet and I used tilt shift lenses […]

There’s a really steep shoreline at South Bondi at the moment. This creates some crazy backwash. Water rushes up the shore and then gushes back out to sea, colliding with incoming waves (and surfers). Hours of fun! I hope this steepness hangs around, as usually a council bulldozer will arrive and flatten it – mainly […]

Nemesis Rip
I’m having trouble shooting in the water with that south end rip! It’s giving me so much grief lately. Basically I have to get sucked out to sea, shoot a couple of lucky snaps in transition, end up out the back, loop back to the shore further down the beach and then repeat (x20). I […]

New Swell
A new south swell has rolled into town putting on some 2 footers. It’s not pumping but after a few days of nothing, it looks good. More coming on the weekend also. The temperature plummeted after yesterdays warm spell. How good was it? Such a fine day for Sydney. You’ve all seen my boat junkets […]

Ah yes, smells like Spring time dunnit? The sun is belting down, the beach was busy and everyone has a smile on their face. Freaky warm weather, but remember, it always seems to come good around City to Surf time. It’s going to be sunny on Sunday – but a cold one. (max. 14/min.8) The […]

City to Surf
Once upon a time I worked in a tiny cubicle in the city. I did 8 years in the big smoke. The lack of view from my cubicle inspired me to start the Aquabumps daily photo email (circa 1999). I sent it to mates. It grew…and now 17 years later it still kicks on! This […]

When I arrived at the beach this morning I bumped into a few country punks from Vicco. They made me laugh. Two off them were stuck in a rip and loving it, the other just stoked to see Bondi at sunrise. They were from inland. They’re used to swimming in swamps and marveled over our […]

It’s that time of year again, City to Surf setup. I love watching them build those tents on the sand…then they pray for calm weather. Last week was pretty wild and I can see them spending most of their time on clean up. There’s some nice lil’ 3 footers out there today. It’s offshore, sunny […]

It’s really howling outside in Sydney today. Right now sunshine is bouncing off my desk as I write this. Moments ago she was pouring with rain. Pretty crazy weather – unpredictable. Bondi is like a ghost town. I am sure you have something better to do with your time. OK, let’s talk about something else. […]

Looks just like yesterday dunnit? Same-same, but perhaps it went to greys faster than it’s Monday twin. Good looking sunrise. It’s amazing how the sunrises morph through different stages. First, subtle pinks, then intense fluoro reds, then grey… The waves were small yet enjoyable. A small peak towards the middle seemed to be providing the […]

NZ vs AU
When I left Queenstown it was snowing, right down at town level. Amazing. Only happens twice a year. When I arrived in Bondi the colours were going crazy in the morning sunrise. Rare. It’s like they were competing. Two very special places putting on their best. We had a great time in New Zealand last […]