After 28 days of mighty fine sunshine in Sydney we’ve entered a storm phase. That’s cool. It’s cool. My garden is loving it. Gives me an opportunity to organise the terabytes and dig for gold that you’ve haven’t seen yet.
Today – Brazil vs Italy. 2 places I recently visited for the first time and love.
I wish I had a dollar for everyone that has commented our Aquabumps Gallery garden. It’s lush. Bondi local and one of the most respected landscape designers in Australia did it (well, he will tell you that). His name is William Dangar. He’s a talented lunatic and also has a mighty fine range of outdoor furniture called Robert Plumb. He’s on sale, just for this week and only online. Go here
Have a good day inside, surf is 3-4 foot but really messy :: uge
Love these Black and White images. Real atmosphere and drama.
Keep up the great work. We all love it.