Around 50,000 read this daily thing that I’ve now been doing for 17 years. A lot of our readers are overseas. A lot are in the northern hemisphere where it’s freezing cold right now. For some it’s a life line…for others it’s a love/hate thing…some get it and have no idea how they landed here but love pretty pictures. For those in a office cubicle and it’s snowing outside – well – it’s real nice right here, right now. And these pics will rub it in a lil’. You should be here!
The water is special. 24 degrees.
There are small and fun waves. Big crowds.
The Eddie was canceled this morning due to lack of swell. Part of me is very relieved as I am not over there. The aggressive storm pulled away from the islands at the last minute dropping swell heights. Read
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P.S. Point Break is showing at the Bondi Open Air Cinema tomorrow night (12 Feb). I hear there is some pretty amazing scenes from Chopes in it. Go