It’s Friday and the waves are decent. I saw some chunky stuff, 4-5 footers. It was holding the size, kinda, sorta…a little… Got some shots from my morning swim. What a nice morning! Do you know The Beach Boys are still performing after all these years? Yar. They’ve sold over 100 million records. They’re also […]

Welcome to the 100% surfing edition of Aquabumps. All 8 pictures are of stickered up sponos ripping. No pretty sunrises, no portraits…just surfing. I like surfing. I’m gonna snag a couple now so I will be brief. Today has turned out to be gloriously sunny, winds are offshore and light, swell is 3-4 foot and […]

By the sea…
Do you know the best time to see the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition – TODAY! You need 30 knot howling winds, rain and cooler temps to clear the path. You can walk freely to Bronte right now…just take a rain coat and your french beret and get all arty. It’s the 19th year that […]

10 minutes…
10…that’s how long you’ve got in the water before the shivers take over. The water is cold with all the northelies blowing. The land is hot and muggy, like Singapore. Gonna swelter up to 30+ degrees today. Waves – sure have. Swell has picked up. It’s 3 foot and SO FAT at 8am. Lower tides […]

Well, it’s been a pretty stormy 24 hours in Sydney. Last night it blew a gale. I am sure the winds will die and the sun will come back this afternoon. It’s already started to clear. The great news is that the weekend will mainly be sunny weather. Sunday is going to be a cracker […]

These are the days to look out for. The days that fall in the cracks. The ones that go under the radar. See…the forecast is calling hell windy today. But at sunrise the wind hadn’t hit, it was raining and looking pretty uninviting from the bedroom window…but…go down the beach and there was a glassy, empty […]

Things are changing. The morning fog was a good sign for change where cool air meets hot air. It’s a humid 31 today and then a cool 21 tomorrow. Dark clouds are congregating and I can here the tingling of rain on my gallery tin roof. We’re in for some indoor time – punch the work […]

Power groms
A pack of groms owned Maroubra this morning. About 8 of them. All sub 30 kgs each. They can paddle into a ripple, pop an air, high five a mate then kick off. Heckling is constantly broadcasted from the channel – it’s awesome. I can’t wait for my little men to get out there. OK ‘nuf […]

It’s Monday. You’re probably back at your desk stressing over how much work you have to cover this week. You had a good weekend mostly spent down the beach (how good was Saturday by the way). Your skin is brown and your mind a little foggy. What were we talking about again? Ah yes, the beach. […]

Standard Mornings
Pretty standard morning around here. An outsider would call it manic, but we’re accustomed to local mayhem. What am I talking about? Well, to begin, hundreds of girls were waving around exercise balls at Bondi this morning trying to beat a world record. A heavily pregnant woman was instructing the demonstration…all for the Fitness and […]

So, you like surfing…the peace and quiet of being out the back waiting for a set wave…the wind in your hair and salt on the skin. (insert scratching record needle sound) Well…today is not for you. It was a crazy full house down there this morning. Loose boards, big crowds, strong rips and not enough […]

Every day I wake up in hope for good light and waves. Sydney is pretty special in that you can surf something, most days. It doesn’t crank as much as other places in the world but it sure is pretty consistent for some sort of water activity. Bondi had a little wave on this morning. […]

Today is totally the opposite to yesterday. It’s raining, it’s grey, it’s cool and the waves are an onshore 1-2 foot mess. What a great day to show your boss you’re a hard little worker. On a very sad note, Bondi lost a true legend yesterday. Friend, columnist and true Bondi local Sam De Brito […]

Well whata we got ‘ere…classic Bondi today. It all began with a coloured sunrise over the Buckler followed by neat 2-3 footers. Mainly 2 footers. Long waits. Great rides. Good times. Feels like summer! (max 29 today). Ocean swimming season has just kicked off so make sure you’ve registered for the local events like Bondi […]

The south storm has arrived in Byron Bay, blackening the skies and bringing a new wind. Quite the contrast to the impeccable last 7 days. I’m hoping it kicks up a bit of swell as it’s been small. Today is the last update from Byron. Hope you’ve enjoyed something a little different. Cheers, :: Uge […]

North Coast
Byron Bay is the most easterly point of Australia. It juts right out. Good for surfing as it catches most swells and has protected corners on all conditions. About 9,000 people live in Byron, plenty doing the sea or tree change from Bondi. This little town attracts 1.5 million visitors a year – yes – […]

Byron Bay
Last week when I mentioned to people I was going up to Byron Bay their first reaction was a puzzled look…then the standard response “Hope you’re not going in the water…it’s too sharky” Yes, they’ve had a bad run up here with big fish coming in close. There are so many theories why. Everyone has […]

It’s warming up and feeling good. Bondi Beach was packed at sunrise and everyone’s happy. Even though the water was a tad chilly, it’s invigorating. The Blue Bottles have rolled into town – beware. Waves – yeah, saw some. Choppy onshorey types around your waist to chest. I didn’t surf – but if you had […]

Looking at the weather map there is a massive high pressure system hovering above us. That’s good news for beach lovers. In fact, we’re about to enter into a summer preview with 4 days in a row above 30 degrees starting Sunday. That’s uncommon for spring but fortunate as it’s a long weekend in Sydney! […]