The big chunks are in town...and foaming. Bondi 7:00am


So many places would be lighting up today…most of them are a minimum 3-4 hours drive away from here. Every time I book a day of meetings you can be assured 6 foot pumping south swell! Yes give me a tissue…

If you’re reading this you really should get outside and go for a drive – even if it’s to enjoy this deluxe Autumn day. The swell is clean and chunky. Bondi was predominately closing out. Bronte, Tama and the Bra are all missing the south swell. Hit it.

:: uge

Friendy, powering

Golden Frames, Maroubra

Closeouts, plenty of them.

Broken lines. Bondi

Lip tickle, Bondi Beach

Lots of head scratching

Pocket hunt

It's the Chris Friend show today.

How about this for a thick Bondi chunk?

Icebergs shimmer

Lots of car park chats today, "I reckon XXXX would be going off today"

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