Everybody is talking about it. Everybody is excited. Cape Fear, Red Bull’s big wave surfing comp will run this Saturday …I mean this Sunday @ 7:30am. Why the move in days? Well the winds look pretty damn strong on Saturday, even though the swell is huge. By Sunday the winds should be more offshore (SW) […]

I’m all for trying to create something interesting from the mundane. That’s the biggest challenge in taking photos…I think. Especially shooting the same beach for 15 years…gotta challenge yourself, daily. This week has been a tough one though. The surf has been nothing but manky wash (mostly unsurfable)…the light has been pretty off and the […]

Rough Water
OK so I’m a little dry on content today. I rolled down the beach…howling onshore and 2 foot – intermittent rain. Nothing to exciting. Barely anyone out surfing (smart). I drove around to Bronte…1 guy out…not doing much. The ocean is very agitated and you will need to wait for it to calm down. Be […]

Wash Out
This morning was a complete wash out. It was pouring. The surf was 1-2 foot and onshore – real ugly stuff. I actually thought it was unsurfable. A few optimistic crew out in the middle waiting for something…good day to do some work. Today’s photos are completely random, last summer, last big swell…stuff like that. […]

The weather has gone from horrible to perfect in Sydney. But it’s short lived. The rest of the week is going to be wet. Right now we should all be racing to the airport to catch a flight to Tahiti. Chopes pumping again. The WCT comp is currently ON and it’s awesome. Watch Live Now […]

It’s so good to have the sun back. Haven’t seen it in a while. Like the rest of the week the surf looks pretty junkie. I rolled on down to Maroubra to see if it was catching any of this East direction in the swell. Kinda was… Not many people surfing. In fact I only […]

Things have calmed down along our coast and we have some manageable waves at Bondi. It’s still pretty agitated. It rained on me around 5 times in the 1 hour period I was shooting – so the weather still has room for improvement. Gee the garden is getting a good watering at the moment and […]

Conditions are pretty wild here in Sydney. The swell has kicked and there are 6 footers on the loose. The swell looks disorganised. The howling winds not helping. A couple of little protected corners would be good today…not unreal. Not like Teahuppo was yesterday. Oh man…what a day of surfing. I am kicking myself I […]

She’s hell stormy outside. Gale force winds ripping through Sydney…nearly blew my camera out of my hands down the beach (that’s a first). The ‘surf’ is one big lump of white wash. I would head over to Manly if you wanna surf today. Billabong Pro Tahiti just kicked off. It’s solid! Woohoo ::uge

Pretty crazy weather at the moment. After 3 months of perfect sunshine we’re getting lashed with storms and heavy rain. Yesterday was bi-polar, ended up being a nice day for a few hours. Bunker in kids, we’re in for a wet week ahead. This morning I roamed around Maroubra and Bondi. The Bra had solid […]

Greetings. This morning we have a increase in swell but not quality. Bondi is 100% closing out. We badly need some banks. It’s straight AS. The sun is out and we look to hit 18 degrees today. With showers over the incoming weekend today is a great one to get outdoors. North swells forecasted for […]

Cosi Cosi
Things were looking up at the beach this morning. The surf conditions have improved. I saw waves around chest to head high. It was good on the lower tide – not so great on the incoming high tide (now). Some interesting light beams lately…some call them “The Fingers of God”. Always something new down the […]

Good morning. Apart from some pretty amazing light dancing through the gaps in the clouds there wasn’t a lot going for this morning. The waves are a grovely chest high…extremely onshore affected. Only two guys out at South Bondi which says it all. Pretty chilly morning, around 7 degrees before the sun rose. Days like […]

There is some chunk to the bump today. Bondi has some mighty fine close outs. Some of the best I’ve seen. I’m talking 4-5 foot…all in a line dumping on the banks. I really hope some of the holes in our sand banks are being filled in. We need it. Some funky banks out there. […]

Quiet Bondi
After a very busy weekend Bondi has returned to the quiet. 150,000 people ran into Bondi yesterday. It was packed. The surf wasn’t too bad either. It’s the biggest day of the year around here. Hope the legs have recovered. To kick this week off, we have waves. 3-4 foot at Bondi. It looked fat […]

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a sky full of clouds. The rain even cut short my shoot today, so there are 6 images not 12 in this batch. The waves are over head high and kinda chunky. The early morning high tide made it very wobbly. Should improve on a lower tide (I […]

Officially it was 7 degrees this morning down the beach, but with a 15 knot offshore straight from the mountains it felt like 3 or 4. Maybe colder. I know that is an average day in Melbourne or London…but for Sydney…she’s cold. The swell kicked hard yesterday afternoon and we abandoned the helm to score […]

These mornings are all starting to look alike. I wake up, not a cloud in the sky. Head to the beach, it’s cold. Only difference today is we’ve got good waves! Yes, we have swell. It looks like a south swell with a very, very long wave interval. Basically if you sit out there and […]

Another one of those magic, sunny winter mornings down the beach. The icy offshore winds had claws…sure was chilly getting out. The swell has dropped today. I saw waves in the waist high range. It may come up later today with a pulse tomorrow. Tomorrow’s forecast is for a 20 second period swell. Wow, that’s […]

The most notable aspect of this morning was the chill. It was cold at sunrise, 7°C is what my phone said. I’d say with the wind chill it would be more like 4°C or 5°C. There are waves in town…finally after a week of very small stuff…so now it’s 3 foot and fun-as. You’d have […]

It’s Friday…or Flyday as my Chinese ancestors say. It’s the end of the week and another day of belting sunshine and warm conditions. Waves are tiny, like 12 inches…but the One Wave Fluoro crew were loving it – as usual. Great to see so many smiling faces in the water – even with no waves. […]