
Looks at these photos and tell me if you think you will be surfing this arvo?

It’s half a foot now, but boy, she’s about to erupt.

They say by lunchtime you will see it pulse and by nightfall we should have 8 foot. Sometimes swells don’t run on schedule…hope this one does. Tomorrow will be 12 foot. All of this is flanked with icy, strong, offshore winds. Rubber up.

8 degrees down the beach this morning. Wind chill would have brought that down to 4 I reckon. Brr.

Have a great weekend. Come see us in the Aquabumps Gallery on Bondi Beach.

:: oggie

Wallet hunting, Bondi 8am

Julia Wheeler dashing for a warm towel

Charlotte Bodell taming the beast

How's my hair looking babe?


Frenchies don't feel the cold. Amaury Treguer

Now that is laying down some fine rail

Tiny, see.

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