The swell has gone and it doesn’t look like it will return until the weekend. Overall the next 10 days looks very small. Where have those booming autumn swells gone? Incredible day outside. There was a chill in the air. 1 foot. For the next two weeks these updates will be sent from a boat […]

Beach Office
Today I am struggling to come up with a creative way to describe 1-2 foot sunny Bondi. We are getting spoilt with all this good weather. I’m sure the winter curtain will drop soon. Go outside. Enjoy. ::uge

There’s some leftover south swell still chugging into Sydney. It’s dropping rapidly. At 7am this morning Bondi was maxing out. Most waves would close out straight. I knew it would be this way…and that you had to hit a reef, like yesterday…just had a full morning diary. (Hence the late mail – sorry!) Here is […]

It was an all-star cast down at a local Sydney reef. Aren’t our best surfers meant to be in Fiji soon? Mick Fanning, Owen Wright, Bede Durbidge, Blake Thornton, Pama Davies, Phil Macca, Julian Wilson are all out enjoying this incredible day. Look outside…gentle offshores and a growing 4-5 foot south swell. Bingo! ::uge

Beach People
Basically today I took a photo of anyone who I had a chat with on my morning walk. Friday’s are always busy with the Fluoro guys but with this record breaking warm weather it was exceptional. Seize the day On the 22nd June Andy Owens is paddling a stand up from North Bondi to Sunshine […]

Dutch Oven
Was really smokey down there today. The NSW Rural Fire Service are doing their annual back burning and Sydney has a haze, similar to what you see in Bali. Asthma sufferer’s best stay indoors. Well…there was a small fun wave on offer today. I’m talking waist high on sets. Huge crowds enjoying yet another salubrious […]

New Angles
Here at Aquabumps we pride ourselves on new angles… Well…here’s 11 angles you haven’t seen before. No drone, no heli, no housing…just my latest invention from NASA called the big stick. Total investment – 20 bucks. Tiny waves…yet perfect for the mal at Bondi… The weather continues to be incredible. So good. ::uge

Wake Up
I’ve seen a lot of sunrises over the past 15 years of doing this Aquabumps thing. More than an Ibiza DJ that’s for sure. 4 days in a row have been pretty magic down the beach, think ya better wake up early tomorrow. The colours were insane. Shame we don’t have incredible waves to match. […]

We are having a good run of colourful sunrises at the moment. 3rd one in a row today. Always plenty to shoot around here. A whale entered the bay as well, flanked with dolphins. That caused quite the stir. The big fella was playful, tossing and turning in the bay. I paddled out on Pete’s […]

Big wave surfer, Hawaiian, co-inventor of tow, male model, Laird John Zerfas (better known at Laird Hamilton) came down to Bondi this morning for some waves’n’shots. He’s promoting his new LAIRD SUP range which is hitting our shores. This action man started young, jumping off a 60 foot cliff into deep water at age 7. […]

Like most of you I figure the morning is the best time of day around here. Why? – The light is at its best, streaming in over Benny and his Buckler. Makes things look real pretty – My phone hasn’t started to ring – People are happier in the morning. Some days 30 people say […]

The swell came back and the hordes rolled down for the early. Oh man it was mental. Boards, bodies, rips all swishing around in one pot. The funny thing is that it was busy for 1 hour…’the before work’ shift. Sometimes it pays to work to a different schedule if you can. Canon Shine We’re […]

I’m not sure how much longer the water can remain warm and clear…but I’m loving it. Can’t get ‘nuf of it. After a long night of kids screaming nothing beats hanging down under the waves, where it’s all quiet. If only I could hold my breath for hours! The waves look OK too…waist to shoulder […]

It was a pretty standard autumn morning down at Bondi. A small choppy, south wind-swell is in town and waves got up to head high on sets. It looked a little bumpy and random…totally surfable though. The wonder bank at south of Bondi has been dismantled…oh boy Friday and Saturday were fun at Bondi – […]

Right now so many places will be lighting up. It’s a south swell with a tiny bit of East in it. Super light winds, warm water and 4-5 footers – what else do you need? It’s not often my morning shoot is cut short by a surf. I just had to get out there and […]

We’ve got a fresh batch of south swell and the beach is full of wobbly peaks. She’s not perfect, but it’s worth getting wet. That is…until the wind swings more south. It’s 4 foot. Watch this video, it will get your pumped for the approaching ski season! :uge

Today is a brand new day. It’s amazing how different it is… Waves were 6-8 foot yesterday. Way down south there are rumors of 15 foot sets. Today Bondi is hosting 1-2 foot. It’s all gone my friends. Apparently it was a technicolor sunrise at 6:15am. I missed it. Guttered. Still slapping myself. Everyone I […]

The swell is plentiful and coming from the south. It’s solid, like 6-8 foot at exposed beaches. Very few places around here can hold such swell so you need to fire up the whip and get out of town. The weather is immaculate, no clouds and just a chilly offshore. There is another swell backing […]

Friday Mania
Fridays sure are busy down at Bondi. With the incoming tide a little wave pulsed around 8am – but it was short-lived. It’s only 1-2 foot now and fading into the high tide. The great news is that there is a strong south swell heading our way. Sunday will start off small but grow during […]

Good Times
The wave machine has kicked into gear and firing 3-4 footers into the Bondi bay. It looked fun, little random, little wobbly, but at least waves are over head high. Good times…sun’s out – bonus. Have a great day, uge