Greetings. Hope you had a good weekend. How good was the weather? I love it when the forecast sets low expectations and then it’s burning sunshine and fun waves. Today the swell has kicked back a gear and only breaking waist to chest high. Still rideable and some fun (Small) ones. Nice and clean this […]

Hola! Mixture of swells down the beach this morning. Forecast says ENE swell, but there is definitely some South swell as Bondi had chest high waves every 15 minutes. Rainy day (again)…barely seen the sunshine at all week. Forecast for the weekend is cloudy, small waves…all ENE swell 2-3 foot. Have a great weekend, come […]

Gosh it hasn’t stopped raining today…need this rain to head north into the drought areas of Western Queensland. ‘Nuf already! For the first time in years I slept in until a whopping 8:30am. Why? I knew it would be real ugly down the beach. Small waves in the rain with plenty of skanky wash off […]

I was quite surprised to see energy left in this East swell. The Bra had plenty, early. Sure was wonky though! Barely any wind around and some fun peaks around our hood. Brave the dark clouds and reap the rewards. Today is it though – she’ll fade away into the afternoon whilst a new south […]

The rain has gone and the wind has subsided. The swell has decreased (3ft) but is lining up a hell of a lot better than yesterday. Go surf! Today is shaping up to be a good one…in all aspects. How was that storm yesterday huh? Cheap way to wash all the salt off the car. […]

I prefer yesterday. Today’s all grey, windy and wet. The beach was a wash out this morning. Good thing the swell has kicked up, but you’ll need protection from the southerly. Gosh that was a beautiful weekend in Sydney. More of those please. ::uge

Hi Vis
Even though it was a dark grey morning nothing like a bit of fluoro from the One Wave crew to brighten things up. Today is “One Wave is all it takes” 1st birthday and by the look of the incredible turn out they’re going strong. About 100 fluoro warriors took over South Bondi for an […]

Not much excitement down the beach this morning. The waves are tiny and a 2 out of 10. Clouds hid the morning sun and it felt a little quieter…winter is coming. Another swell arriving this weekend, similar to last week. You bewdy Huey. ::uge

Late Light
I thought the sun was never gonna rise today. It took so long to get up over the horizon. At 7am I was sitting around waiting for light to strike…nuttin! When it did come up it sure was real pretty. Pity the smotherly hit early and the swell has dropped back to knee cappers. Forget […]

We are still reaping the benefits of past northern storms…its 3-4 foot today and fun! The sand banks around the east are lacking. Sets at Maroubra were closing out, Bondi was small neglecting the majority of the swell source and Tama, well…it was just being Tama (fools gold). I recommend packing up the whip and […]

The much talked about swell is here and slowly declining. It’s been a fun couple of days in Sydney with waves (finally) above your head. Crazy sunny skies today to boot! I hope you scored your wave quota amongst the massive crowds. In excitement of this swell I’ve been driving around everywhere and not really […]

Currently we are all sitting around waiting for this much talked about cyclone swell which is drifting down the coast. It should slowly arrive today and peak on Sunday. Oh boy I hope she blossoms into the boomer that is forecasted or there will be some grumpy humans. I can safely say Sunday is going […]

Glare Stare
Put ya sunnies on for this update as she is super glary… Wow, the colours this morning were insane! The 6:30am hue eruption made up for the tiny 1 foot waves. I know you were down there to see it. I saw you… I am still shock from yesterday’s Quiksilver Pro final between Gabs Medina […]

Another immaculately sunny day here in Sydney. How good is it? The beach was packed early. Probably one of the busiest 6am’s I’ve seen. Humans littered the beach from South to North. Boot camp, Re-boot camp, soft sanders, swimmers, surfers, kids, mums, dads the lot! There was a tidy little right hander at 1st ramp. […]

Morning Phase
After a steamy night it was nice to hit the beach early this morning. Water is super warm (22). There is not much swell but a decent little right breaking on a very shallow bank at 1st ramp. So much sand there – I am very much looking forward to a bit more swell where […]

The computer charts will show little or no waves today, but I reckon there’s a few down there. I saw a chest high set at 8am…ok, so they’re not frequent, but if I had nothing to do, I’d pack a bag + board and spend the day down the beach. How good is it? Forecast […]

Am I the only one that didn’t get a decent shot of last night’s evil storm? Wow, I’ve seen some great shots. I think I got down there 5 minutes too late – been slappin’ myself in the face ever since. Sorry team. I shot this one above but the clouds had already covered most […]

These mornings need to be savoured. Today it all kicked off with great light and sunrise colours. The winds are so light that the surfaces are immaculately glassy. The swell is small and from the SE with plenty of fun small peaks worth surfing. I don’t want to be inside long today. Good time of […]

Fire + Water
Contrasty down the beach this morning. At around 3am it bucketed down. At 6am it seemed to be clearing. At 6:30am the sky lit up with deep reds…but it went back to grey moments after. The waves have picked up slightly…but it is still 2 foot and dribbly. Surprised how clear the water was underneath […]

Ladies Day
It’s great to see the girls out-numbering the boys in the line up at Bondi. More please. After a rainy weekend we have glorious sunshine – you bewdy! The only missing ingredient is swell…it’s currently a grovel @ waist high. Word on the street is that it may come up slightly this afternoon. The ASP […]