Let’s get high together…high above the beach for my favourite angle. My buddy PB has rolled up with the bird so we can show you these incredible beaches from the air. Water looks so blue from up there! Finally the wind has dropped a few gears and they’ve started the Volcom Pipe Pro. Pipe ain’t […]

The North Shore of Oahu has been plagued with howling winds lately and bad weather. Kinda like a storm that just doesn’t want to leave the island. Fronts have been lashing this coast for days and everyone is a little twitchy around here. Basically there are very few surfing options with conditions like this. So…we […]

Fresh Poke
It’s been really stormy here in Hawaii. I know, I know these pictures depict glorious sunny days. Well…I shot these a few days ago…but it can be stormy on the North Shore and crystal blue and sunny on the East Coast. The island of Oahu can be a little fickle with the weather, especially seeing […]

Aloha. Yesterday was a very strange day here on the North Shore of Oahu. It was busy. I’m talking as busy as a Pipeline Masters final. The Kam Highway was broken – 2 hours to Halewia from Pipe (normally 15 minutes). Thousands of people did the 45 minute schlep from Honolulu to see the rumoured […]

You’ve probably already heard through global news that there is a MONSTER swell hitting the Hawaiian Islands right now. I’m getting messages from all over the place wondering what it looks like here. To be honest I don’t know what all the fuss is about. When I went for my morning coffee down the road, […]

Island Style
Since we last spoke the swell has been big here in Hawaii. Big isn’t always great as the North Shore washes through and is mostly unsurfable. Sure you can either join the masses at Waimea, try and get out at Pipe or drive all the way to the West coast for shelter – but their […]

Shack Shaker
The big swell has arrived in Hawaii and I can hear water rushing under the house as I write this. Yep you read right, our shack is built on jetty piles and wash gets under the house and sometimes into the backyard. This doesn’t make for a good night’s rest with all the rumbling and […]

North Shore
Good morning from Aloha land. Since we last talked the swell has picked up from 2-3 foot to 6-8 foot Hawaiian…and it’s coming in strong. That big, inbound mack-daddy-swell is definintely starting to file in. By Friday it will be huge. Still not big enough for the Eddie! The winds are up and from the […]

Aloha from the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Yes we’re alive! It’s been so nice here on the North shore lately. A gentle Kona wind has been holding back the trades meaning some arvos have been super glassy. Swell is small for here (but waves are still overhead high). A monster swell is brewing though…it will […]

S a b b a t i c a l
Dear Friends, I’m packing up shop for a bit and heading for Hawaii. Yes Hawaii. The Rock…The Surfers Mecca. Why? I’m gonna chill out, sleep under a coconut tree, teach my kids to hot wire cars, try swim around at Pipeline and score some waves for myself. Today’s shots are from my last sabbatical over […]

Good morning…the rain has stopped and the winds have finally swung offshore at Bondi. Waves are sneaking in around 2-3 foot but quality is a lil’ questionable. I mostly saw waves closing out or burger out (fat). At a different tide it may improve. Tomorrow is much cleaner, smaller and sunnier! Do you know you […]

Ok…so this morning wasn’t the prettiest I’ve seen. The skies have gone all mono…the waves are bigger but very messy and she’s a little damp. Other than that…it’s perfect! Tomorrow the winds will kick around and clean up Bondi…the skies will still be cloudy until Friday. Have a great day. :: ugio

Peace Wagon
If the lead photo in my update today is of a decrepit, over-priced, peace-wagon you can only imagine how ugly the beach was this morning… After a good stint of summer weather we’ve landed a rainy, grey, onshore, mushy morning. I saw waves around 4 foot out there with no one out. Looks like everyone […]

Viva Bondi
It’s been fun around Bondi with loads of people visiting the area. I’m learning a new language every day. We’re not talking record breaking crowds down at Bondi…take last Saturday for example there was probably 20,000 on our 900 metres of sand. I reckon the biggest crowd would be roughly 50,000 which means you can’t […]