6am, a burning sun and passing ship, Fletcher Street Tamarama


It’s going to be another tough day for our brave fire-fighters as the mercury creeps up to 31 degrees. I can’t stop thinking about all those poor people that lost their homes and property. I gotta say though, all this smoke in the air has been creating some unique photo opportunities around Sydney. The sun is transforming into fluorescent pinks at sunset and sunrises are looking just like an Endless Summer poster.

The waves have dwindled and we now have a small NE swell. It’s not worth much discussion.

Some useful(less) information:

  • Messina has opened on Hall Street. Best Gelato in the world, that is if you can fight 100 people to get to the front of the counter
  • Miss Antarctica (more commonly known at Charlotte Piho) is not officially Miss Antarctica. I just named her that as she doesn’t wear wetsuits in the deep doldrums of winter. I’ve seen her surf for 2 hours on freezing mornings. See this post
  • Like Aquabumps? If you’ve been enjoying our free service for many years now I would REALLY appreciate your support of our SURFAID Surf Team. SURFAID is an amazing charity that help the poor people of remote Indonesia – where the surf cranks and most of you have visited. Their main fundraiser is coming up and we call on you for 20 bucks, 200 bucks or even a grand. C’mon, you can do it you good thing. Donate here by sponsoring our Aquabumps SURFAID Team. We won last year and haven’t stopped training for the event.
  • Someone has spelt Tamarama wrong on the Tama SLSC. Oh boy, that cracked me up this morning. (Velocity Air Sign)

:: uge

Heading to Maccas.

Ben Buckler's bush fire skies this morning

Po dancing

The crisp morning golds of Tamarama

Boheme Burner - Last night's strange sunset

Endless summer?

Sam on a rip bowl right at Bondi circa 7:00am

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