After a very scenic 3 hour drive from Queenstown you’ll hit the coastal town of Dunedin. When you think Dunedin you’ll think of World Cup Rugby…cold…thousands of University kids (Scarfies)…gold mining..cold and stuff like that.
You probably don’t know that the surf cranks down here. Admittedly the water is a little frosty (9) but the area is littered with different set ups, beachies, points, tubes – with barely a human in sight.
The back drops to the waves are jaw dropping. The water is crystal clear and very blue. Just remember to pack your booties, gloves and hoodies. Any exposed skin does tend to sting a little once submerged.
These shots are from a beach really close to town and the locals call it a 4 out of 10 (looked pretty fun to me)
Sweet Az : : u g e
Nice shots, did the locals fill you in on the drama with Otagao Ports wanting to dump more Dredgings at Point Heyward, potential to destroy some breaks at Ara’s, etc?
the locals photographed here know about it Geer, I would have hoped that something was said.. why promote these waves when they are under threat from destruction from dredging activities?
Using this visit to highlight the waves’ plight internationally would have been more beneficial than just plugging Dunedin.
Surf photographers should have a responsibility to ensure their skills in capturing these images, and the promotion they do (despite locals objections). are also used for GOOD, in this case to highlight threats to our treasured surfbreaks.
Disappointing Aquabumps
Gorgeous pix, Eug. We can tell you’re having an awesome trip. And that water looks gorgeous but lethal.
You in the water?
How that?
Yep, sure am Marc. Cold!
Wicked pics man. Really top stuff.
Hope you make it to Raglans. Wanna see it goin off!
why do aussies call it raglans? whats with the ‘s’? we call it rags but def not raglans
So cool to see you over here in my home and taking such incredible shots. NICE!
9 degrees, barely a human in sight. Yet, “no kooks”… [sigh] Where can they (we) go to practise? Poor kooks…
Don’t give away all our secrets to the Aussies – (Otago old boy).
Did you go to the Gardies for few jugs of Speights?
Gardies is long gone champ, it’s been turned into a library by the University
Im an aussie ive been to dunedin 5 times now, love the place so many good waves and friendly locals!!
Was great to meet you Uge. See ya again sometime and maybe get waves better than a 6/10!
If anyone is planning a trip to Dunedin check out our staff can give you advice and info on what to bring or buy when your here (Wetsuits and surfboards depending on time of year), where to surf and what etique is best in the water here (Locals pretty laidback as long as you are too).