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It’s a goofy footers paradise down at Bondi this morning. The only option is to surf the Bunker Left in the corner as the rest of the beach doesn’t have much at all. It’s a south wind with a dead south swell (Bondi loves that combo)…oh and under corrupted rainy skies. Our salubrious run of good weather has come to a halt. The sunshine will return on Thursday and stay until next week.

Bondi bay is full of fish. No Whale slappin’ since Sunday but I thought a Seal was going to take someone out yesterday as it scrambled around for fish.

Until tomorrow, : : u g e

Whale charmer, Tony Spanos

Drilling holes

Bomb left, Bondi 7:30am

Cameron + Joseph, Brooklyns Coffee on Gould - good blokes

Bondi 7:00am, Jono hittin' the sweet spot

Plenty of fish around, looks like they are onto it.

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