Bondi this morning, Vera checking the colours


The morning began with an electric sunrise over Benny Buckler…fluoro reds and pinks splattered across the skies. That lasted for about 5 minutes and then she went all grey.

The waves were unimpressive this morning. The forecast was much stronger but the swell just didn’t happen…seriously… it barely got over head high yesterday…where did it go?

The 3rd ramp(age) bank at Bondi has waves today, not much over waist high. Oh boy it’s been busy. It’s like an arcade game running the gauntlet, ducking and weaving loose boards and drop ins. Most dangerous wave in the world (I ruined 2 boards in 10 days). I may stop photography and open a ding repair shop on the beach…the bullion would flow. Be safe out there.

Later :: uge

Fluffy, good toes, funny facial

Bondi 6:30am, Icebergs all painted up again

The hungry wolf pack on 3rd Rampage

Nice right, when they come thru


Alex Kiss's big right foot


Popping up

21 thoughts on “3rd RAMPAGE

      1. Uge, you are going to have to up your game Bud…. (Blinkety blink) …. and the flags…. and the stripes…. and the stern proud faces… in a one peice. sweet link Jonno. Thats some proper ‘stralian muscle right there.

  1. The Waves were Unimpressive – that could be the permanent title for Bondi surf (though I check Aquabumps every day – hope springs eternal)

    Uge – It does explain though why you explore the more artistic POV for Bondi in the daily shots, rather than just surf shots.

  2. Guess, it’s those electric colours that drag us all out there before work – even way before sunrise. Love it. Thanks for capturing exactly what makes me happy every morning, uge.

      1. Hi Phil, the board is a Denham 36 Surfcraft. I make them here in Bondi. The artwork is done by Pala an Colombian artist. If you are interested in costum made surfboards, just give me a call. Cheers Lars 0404732888

      2. Lars, good work – keep shaping. We need more local surf industry and boards made by hand, not blown in plastic moulds across Asia and shipped in containers like tetra pack cartons. Keep up the work, and well done for getting an artist involved too…

  3. For reasons beyond my control I just moved from Sydney to Adelaide, but my friend Kelvin keeps taunting me with these images from paradise – what should I do?

  4. Honestly it’s just ridiculous the amount of people out there. Not helped by no banks at Tama or Bronte. I agree that the amount of beginners in the line up is frustrating and dangerous but it’s the ‘kooks in denial’ who call in every wave and can’t surf that ruin it for me. Don’t people have jobs to go to? It’s 12:50 on a Monday and there are 50 working aged men and women on 3rd ramp.

    Saw the ding on your board on Sunday in the surf, just seen Corey the lifeguard nearly killed by a drop in and a hippie come out and snake every wave and then gee up if someone rightfully took off on a wave they had priority on. Time to get away from Sydney.

    1. hectic ay, got no problem with beginners, easy to avoid. the frustrating ones are the guys who started surfing in their 30s and now froth for every wave to make up for lost time

    2. “It’s 12:50 on a Monday and there are 50 working aged men and women on 3rd ramp.”

      pick your times. lunch time on a warm autumn week day in kook and fat bastard accessible sized surf is always gonna be crowded. but you knew that.

      pic 5 above says it all.. so much kook (i’m not referring to the dude ridin). just look at that pic. i mean, look at it.

  5. Ouch, Humphrey (H B Bear), you are a funny old fellow. When you never spoke on the tele we never knew that was what you were thinking under your little hat. Thanks for the advice. It occurred to me that I am really only 1,395 kilometres from Campbell Parade by car – perhaps it’s not so bad. I could make the early in two days if I leave in half an hour.

  6. Someone please tell me what science lies behind our amazing Bondi skies. I mean, why does the cloud form those small whispy shapes and capture the sun rise and set in such glory? I have lived on this coast for 30 years and I have not seen it much elsewhere? Is it because the beach faces south, but the sun sets in the east? It is very special.

    1. The one good thing about air pollution – Sydney has just enough to make sunrise and sunset pretty, not brown (e.g. L.A., Lima).

  7. Hey guys understand your frustration with drop ins and people who think they can surf and cannot.

    I am in Noosa and it is out of control. There was a little wave yesterday at Noosa but i would rather go surf a blown out beachie at Coolum then deal with the bs that goes on at Noosa.

  8. Great shot of Vera! And what an exposure for Denham 36 surf craft 😉 I’m really excited on your behalf Lars! Hope you get an order or two (anything more is probably beyond the capacity of the shed 😉
    Seeing this makes me miss Bondi all the more…

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