The swell has arrived and so has it’s buddy the onshore wind. Waves are breaking higher than your heads (even on tall people like myself), but some serious onshore wobble out there.
I didn’t feel compelled to paddle out…save it for another day.
Owning a car around Bondi is a bit of a nightmare…no parking…and if you do find a park she’s crusted in salt every night or you’ll find a back packer camping out in your boot. The Car Next Door is a car sharing thing where you can rent cars for 25 bucks a day. Can’t even get lunch for that around here. So have a look at this website and you can burn the clutch or do hand breakkies in someone else’s car…I’ve been eyeing off my neighbour’s Torana SLR 5000 (with spinning rims) for some time now…so here’s me chance…
B y e : : u g e
Nitro shreds ay – the shack was killer as well