It’s small here in Hawaii, like Bondi today…but a thumper is on the way tomorrow. That’s exciting. Wish we had all this swell in our summer. Smaller conditions meant I could swim around underwater; early…most people don’t get to the beach before 9am here. Very different to Bondi (keep in mind it is winter here, sunrise is 7:00am)
There is always people surfing, which makes sense as the sport was born here. You can’t distinguish between weekday crowds and weekends. The surf etiquette is high. The cruisy island spirit rubs off into the surf – I’ve seen very little agro – ok, Pipe is an exception – but the rest is fine.
A few of you have emailed me asking if I am ever come home to Bondi Beach. Well, it’s been a month…maybe should start thinking about it.
Seeya : : u g e
Have your photography and daily weather reports and comments and have missed them this year. We don’t get much surf here at Etty bay or anywhere along the far north coast , but we have some amazing beaches. Take a look when u get the chance. all the best to you and yours for 2013
Uge are you still proud of bondi or hawaii got the better of you?
theres nothing like australia mate
i hope you wear a bondi tshirt sometime soon in Hawaii
Uge, do you wear a peg on your nose underwater .. synchronised swimming style?