After a sticky night it’s going to be a hot one today, but still hotter tomorrow. Wow. There are no waves of significance to write about. Knee cappers. Hit the beach, it’s amazing right now. 10/10. Come to the Aquabumps Gallery, we’re open every day 10 to 6 and the deadline for xmas present orders […]

Mad Cows
Today when I rolled down the beach I saw: – Brand new waist to shoulder high waves definitely worth surfing (little fat) – Lots of people, up for the warm weather and working on the summer rig – 50 mad cows littered around Bondi beach – Free Ice-cream – I am an addict. – NE […]

Howdy. It’s been a long week since we’ve had fun waves in Sydney. Today’s tiny again and overcast. That storm last night gave us a good wash. I just checked the forecast and there are no substantial swells to report. Not in the near future. Sit tight. It’ll happen. Xmas is less than 4 weeks […]

Flat + Flat
Today is a combination of flat light and flat surf. Don’t be fooled by my first image where a guy is hot doggin’ down the line on a long board. He got lucky. I wish I had a dollar for every person that has requested shots of Clovelly in my Bondi Gallery. I’d be rich […]

Hi there. It’s Monday morning after one of the best looking weekends of the year. Yesterday was mental down at Bondi. 20,000 plus people hit the beach in perfect weather. Today’s a little different with cloud cover and a only handful of people down there. Today is not made for surfing. Perfect for a swim […]

It’s a little small yet surfable this morning. Remnants of a couple swells are putting on the odd shoulder high wave at Bondi. The sun is trying to fight its way through scattered clouds as it heats up to a mild 23 degrees. The onshore SE winds will swing around to the NE later today […]

Locals Only
Yesterday was quite an amazing day to go surfing. Today tis not so good. It’s horrendously onshore and overcast. Instead of shooting onshore slop I opted to point my lens at the people I see down there, every day. There are hundreds that get up at sunrise and do their thing. Here is a few. […]

East Feast
The winds have died down and the swell is now coming from the East…and plenty of it. Seeing Bondi kinda neglects the Easts swells I strayed across the bridge (yes with passport and full tank of gas) to the salubrious beachside town of Manly. I can safely say that all 1.5 km of Manly had […]

The Kombi and Me
I reckon I’m turning into an insomniac after shooting at sunrise for over 13 years. 4:50am I was up today, waiting for some light down the beach. Didn’t really know what to do with myself…the sunrise was a bit of a fizzer and 20 knots of onshore made sure there were no waves. Well, no […]

South Bang
The talked about south storm hit last night with a bang. After a glorious Sunday of sunshine and northerlies – pow – it tore through Sydney and left as fast as it hit. This morning I was a little surprised to find a beautiful morning, sunshine and shoulder high waves. The ocean is junkie from […]

It’s quite the ugly day outside. I’m digging deep to give you the positive spin. My new garden is loving the rain but the boards are tucked up snug in the board bags. Waves are ankle to knee high and junk. Worst I’ve seen in weeks. Swell is coming though. Next Tuesday looks BIG. Hard […]

Straight horizons
The clouds are slowing clearing and it is nice and calm down the beaches. Bondi barely had a wave. Knee choppers. It will warm up to 26 degrees today before rain and cold weather tomorrow. Tomorrow the waves are also tiny. Saturday there should be something for you to ride (head high). Phew. Good bye […]

After watching Red Bull’s new surfing movie last night starring Jordy Smith (Bending Colours), I was all pumped up to shoot some high performance surfing today. The conditions were lacking at Bondi, weak and waist to shoulder high – not ideal. The skies are filled with threatening rain clouds – making it dark and needing […]

I think today’s Aquabumps daily slice will hit your inbox before you even get into work. Early! We’re a well-oiled machine here at Aquabumps today. Just this once so don’t get used to it. The best word to describe today is windy. Whole 25 knots of southerly is tearing through Sydney at the moment and […]

Pop Up
Nice little surprise to find some waves down at Bondi this morning. At around 8am it seemed optimal. Little wind, shoulder high waves on a couple of banks. Not too fat. An hour later, around 9am it didn’t seem as good. Maybe that’s a sign to go to work. This week will roll like this: […]

Royal Visit
The Royals are coming to Bondi today. I told Prince Charlie that the waves aren’t that great today, only knee to waist high and very weak. Told him to bring his big board down – like a log – oh and a wettie as the water is freezing. Nice day though – cracker…as we look […]

Been a lot of NE swell this week. No good around Bondi. Rolled down to Maroubra for a shoot in the drink…that place loves this direction of swell. There’s a terrific bank down there, super shallow close in then dramatically dropping off out to sea. Perfect bottom contour to put on some hollow wedges. Today […]

Obviously I’m a better photographer than horse punter. Sorry about yesterday’s bad tip. Thanks for all the abusive sms’s. Hope ya didn’t lose the house on that one. A guy won a million dollars at the TAB next door to us in Bondi though…scoring the trifecta. I reckon it’s my neighbour as at 5:30am when […]

Mount Athos
Today is the best day of the year to go surfing as the Melbourne Cup is on (no one down the beach). Shame the waves are tiny around here. It’s a NE swell, so Manly, Whaley or Maroubra would have sumpin’…like waist to chest high wind swell waves. It is going to be 27 degrees […]

Sunrise Prize
Really promising start to the week. Clear skies, good sunrise and peaky 2 footers at the Bra (NE swell). Just looked at the weather forecast – 27 and perfectly sunny today. Nice. Hope the office cubicle has a window. It is going to rain Thursday and Friday this week – so drop tools and hit […]

Surfaid Cup
Today’s Aquabumps comes from the back seat of my car…in Manly. It is the SURFAID CUP today. Ex world champs, wanna be world champs, big time corporate cowboys and 2-3 footers all come together for a tag team surf comp – all in the name of charity. Come down and watch team Aquabumps win the […]

Bondi Magic
Can you believe it’s going to be 34 degrees today? Wow. Typical of Sydney, as soon as it gets hot a storm will follow. Wind coming too. That’ll cool it right down from 34 to 21 tomorrow. Wow. The surf was dribbling in this morning. Knee cappers and worthy of a log. Tomorrow is totally […]