Good morning. I am back from Kiwiland (thanks Cuzis) and pleasantly greeted with a new south swell. Bondi was a bit out of control (that means it’s above head high) and Bronte played host to some decent 4-5 footers. Looks like all that wind that blew yesterday stirred up some fruit. If you are not […]

Beached as…
Kia ora (just one last time). Yep, this is our last photo update from this good looking part of the world…New Zealand. We’ve returned to the photogenic town of Piha, a swell magnet close to Auckland that is well known for its huge rock in the middle of the beach. Lion rock works as a […]

Living in Bondi, a very busy area, you really appreciate the quiet of New Zealand. Most surfing destinations these days are pretty full on, Bali is choccas, Hawaii – busy with pros, Byron – loaded…you have to go pretty far to get solitude, normally, but in N-Zed you can drive to Muriwai Beach (40 mins […]

New Zealand is a small place but has plenty of surfing options. Been here for 4 days now and we’ve found waves every day. Have to admit, we’ve got a good surf guide, Maz Quinn (Jay’s brother), who is the only surfer in NZ to make it on the world championship tour a while back. […]

Today’s daily slice is broadcast from a beach called Ruapuke, a scenic 30 minute dirt road drive from Raglan (that’ll be New Zealand kids). Today is the smallest day of the week and we only found 2 footers, with the odd 3 footers (on the incoming) along a pretty much deserted volcanic black sand beach […]

Kia Ora! Hey Cuzi’s, we are in New Zealand! True. This week Aquabumps will be coming to you from the North Island of N-Zed…only a short three and a half hour flight out of Sydney. Today’s images are shot at Piha Beach, a super chilled, coastal town only 40 minutes out of Auckland. The weather […]

Welcome to the Cronulla…Australia’s fifth National Surfing Reserve. The land of heavy reef breaks, no parking meters and hometown for many surf talents like world champion Mark Occhilupo, Matt Griggs, Kingy, Mick Marjanovic, Terapi and master lens man Jon Frank. Good setup down here, so many surfing options. Today we’ve got a decent East swell […]

Well look at that…an Aquabumps update being posted out at 3pm. Now that’s late. Back in the old days that used to be a common occurrence before we became the well-oiled machine that we are today. Where have I been? Well I found myself wondering the streets of the city around 9am, wearing a collar […]

In between rain squalls I took some photos down the beach this morning. Sometimes I only got 10 minutes reprieve to stick a lens out and try and some snap some gold for you. One of those downpours was like standing under a water fall. Heavy. My car is sparkling clean though…with all that crusty […]

Today is that horrible combination of pouring rain and tiny, blown out ‘waves’ (more like sloshy chop). Really your options today are very limited. Surfing should not be high up there on the priorities. Keeping dry should be your main goal. Fortunately the swell is being whipped up as you read this, but it won’t […]

Dead Calm
It’s not often you see the ocean so subdued… It’s the calm before the storm. Today waves barely broke. If they did dribble in they were merely kneecappers or waistline huggers + very, very weak. After 4 days of sunshine and warmer temps a south storm will arrive tomorrow washing out the majority of this […]

2 8 6 0
I just worked out that I’ve filed around 2,860 of these photo updates. That’s thirteen years worth of morning light. I feel tired just writing that. ‘Gotta say, I still really enjoy these mornings. East swell, loads of golden rays and small but fun 2-3 footers. The water temperature is holding onto its summer warmth […]

Hey there. Nothing really amazing down the beach this morning. The sunrise was smothered with thick dark storm clouds that finally cleared around 8:30am. There are fun(ish) little 3 footers around, Bondi looked messy and barely anyone out, whilst around the corner looked better. Tomorrow is going to be a really nice day. Perfectly sunny […]

Winter Chill
It’s here. The claws of winter. After a nice stretch of beautiful weather the southerly boomer has dropped land temperatures – maximum of only 20 today. The south storms have also brought swell, 4-6 foot at Bronte this morning… worth a paddle. Few decent rights grinding out the back. Been to the Potato Head Beach […]

Wave stalker
It’s been a great week for everyone. Today is bigger but not better. Bit washy at Bondi breaking randomly with the larger swell (4-5 foot). I went for a swim out there with my camera but spent most of my time fighting currents than shooting good pics. The high tide was 6:40am which if why […]

Just like I said yesterday, it’s a good week. Autumn turns on for another day. Sunny, hot, glassy morning…little left throwing some lip in the corner and 10,000 humans up enjoying it. Why can’t it be like this every day? Go surf, it’s an east swell, decent and around head high. The mercury will get […]

These autumn mornings are great. Today was especially great because: With the recent time change my body still thinks it’s 6:30am when it’s 5:30am. You can fit a whole world of stuff in before heading to ‘work’. Also it’s not a strain to get up and see/shoot the sunrise. The sunrises are best in Autumn. […]

Clover fields
Monday morning and I’ve just been through all the weather and swell charts for the week. I can confidently say you’ll get a surf in every day this week and fun ones over Easter. This week is dominated with East swell, so you’d best go to beaches that face the source to get the most […]