Hawaiian Shorey - bit lippy


Things change fast on the North Shore of Hawaii. Woke up, cruzy little 3-4 footer out the front, 2 out – lots of tubes. Ate Special K then shot my favorite shore break for an hour. Stopped in for the world’s largest coffee at Starbucks, wired, then by the time I got back to the ranch its 8 foot plus out the front and they just rescued 3 people stuck in a rip. (Followed by 3 ambulances sirens). A moment ago 2nd reef was breaking…and Pipe is disturbingly big (10 foot+) and looks like it is only getting bigger.

Looks like a nice day in Sydney – enjoy the sunshine.

:: uge

Pipe's starting to grind again - will be BIG this week

Hey that's Clark Little

This is what I woke to, Gas Chambers, nice and cruzee

Rocky Point, Hawaii - see this shot proves it not always 8 foot and sunny

Sunset Beach - classic wave (they call this small)

The green

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