A friend told me that this rainy crud weather is here to stay for all of December and January. I asked the same friend if they can pick the lotto numbers for this weekend as I’d like to buy a boat, ok maybe just a dinghy.
I’d agree and say it’s going to rain until next Wednesday. Fortunately there are waves, 2-3 footish. But these morning high tides are making it pretty fat.
The Hawaii Banzai Pipe Masters looks like it will kick off on the 8th December with a big swell hitting (remember they are a day behind). Webby
If you are bored at work, I thought this little video was well made. A little long (grab a cuppa) with some average surfing…but the scenery is magical
With all this rain I am sure you don’t feel like being outside and Christmas shopping. Shop online! Get a book from us, or maybe a gift card, or a little piece from the gallery.
Bye :: uge (just for the record that is pronounced yooj. Not ugg, not oog, not egg, not huge but that’s ok)
Move back to WA uggie……deluxe weather back here.
Hi Frank, no thanks. I like it here. not a stone unturned over there.
Get any shots of the surfboats out there between 530-630 Uge?
How were the blue bottles this morning? It was madness last night
Great vid link Uge. Beautiful place..lets hope it stays that way!
UGE – can I trouble you for your top Honey Moon spots in Australia? Have seen some awesome spots on your site over the yrs but cannot remember the locations/digs? Fiancées condition, they must be on or near a great swimming beach. Cheers
Go to Lizard Island or Nihiwatu – no question that is where to go.
who is that AK guy? He is really hot
Um…who is the Ritchie Hensen bloke? Super HOT!
Easy Sooz. keep that undies on.
Any idea on what make and model that surf wagon is, its sick! i want one!
It’s a 1969 Type 3 VW Squareback (the surf wagon) and a personal pride and joy. Nick
I think it’s an old Volkswagen? Not sure the model though