I was up real early today. I small human called Jet was mainly to blame…I think the lil’ man saw the pink horizon glow seeping in through the blinds. For a very short moment, before sunrise, the sky was glowing neon pink. The rest of the morning was overcast and dark. We’ve got a NE […]

Howdy. We’ve currently got a mini-north windswell breaking with north winds best at north facing beaches. Bondi did have a little fun one on the incoming tide, but low tide will ruin that. It’s not amazing, very weak (1-2 ft) – but they say it should get bigger later tonight. Now that’s good to hear. […]

We’ve had some amazing contrasts in the weather lately. Saturday you woke up to typhoon like rain and Sunday you woke up to spring bliss. A few little waves have been popping up here and there, super fun down at Bondi this morning with 2 (sometimes) 3 footers. With the morning sunshine blazing – conditions […]

Friday Rambles
We haven’t had the best run of surf and weather have we? I mean sitting in the Bondi car park hiding from the rain watching a handful of dudes scrapping over 1-2 foot mush at Bondi was kinda a desperate sight. Not one bit of me wanted to be out there. They say the swell […]

It’s fair to say when windsurfers are doing loops out the back of Bondi in 15-20 knot gusts that the surf conditions probably aren’t ideal. Ok, it’s horrible today. Onshore, mush, slush, mixed in with skanky rain water runoff. Kinda cold and still raining – completely the opposite to W.A which is experiencing 37 degree […]

A work day…
Today is one of THOSE days where you’re better off sittin’ in the office. It’s that 1 day in 90 where it’s flat like a lake and pouring with rain, hang on – the southerly just blew in as well. So now its flat and junkie – wow. Not pretty. The good news is that […]

Tiger Stripes
It’s been so flat lately. Looks like today is the turning point though….last night waves came up and now we have 2 foot chuggers fizzing to the beach. It’s not smoking, but surfable. Tomorrow and Thursday should be bigger (3-4ft) but possibly flanked with southerlies. See a wave, surf it I reckon. Cool clouds in […]

Beach Pilgrimage
Hola. Fair chance most of you were down the beach on the weekend. Who wasn’t. You probably didn’t take a board with you (flat as), just the baby oil and the reflecto sunnies (spinin’ rims and all mate). Bondi Road was gridlock all weekend long. It was also the conclusion of Sculpture by the Sea […]

Normally I wouldn’t put today in the ‘hey there’s a little wave on’ category, but seeing we’ve had a wave deprived week and you’re all in a bad mood – there’s a ‘little’ wave on in the corner of Bondi. You will need plenty of float to get going, the 20 x 3 inch variety, […]

Yesterday was small, today is smaller… Every 20 mins a rideable ‘wave’ may roll through, but it’s not worth getting out of bed and walking around in the rain for. Again I grab a coffee, sit down and browse the swell charts in hope for a leap in size – nope, nuttin’. Our book, The […]

Ahoy there. So…this plague of small swell remains and the boys in the car park are getting’ restless. Bondi had this cute little rip-bowl-1-foot wonder, suitable for a plank around 10 feet long. Or if you’re new to the sport – today’s cranking. I can’t see any improvement for some time. You really need to […]

Gotta love this time of year. The days are hot and the nights cool after a violent smotherly let’s rip. Everybody is out doing something…no matter what time of day. Bondi is…well…you guessed it, packed. Packed at sunrise, packed at sundown. Packed. The waves were terrible this morning. Bits and pieces of wind chop crumbling […]

The bogged surf rake
You know it’s going to be a surfless week when your wifie says “honk, seeing there is no swell for 8 days … it’s gonna be a swell drought … you know that right? … so, can you help around the house a bit more?” …breathe…the closest my wifie has got to reading internet swell […]

Hey there, today is unique. It’s the 11th day of the 11th Month of the 11th year. Superstitious people say that’s a lucky day. A day to get hitched, hit the casino or try have that baby. We’re kinda lucky down the beach as the waves came up overnight – head high ones. Ok, it’s […]

Last night’s sweltering heat brought everyone down the beach this morning…just not the waves. The mercury did not drop below 24.2 degrees last night, just a smidge of the all-time hottest night record for November (24.8). So if you couldn’t sleep last night – that’s why. I couldn’t. When I got down the beach this […]

Good times
Good times down the beach this morning. Good times. I had so much fun. The weather is freaky at the moment – either pouring and thunderstorms or summer heaven. Today the latter. The waves are micro and around your kneecaps. The water is decent, 19. The banks are ok, 2 peaks with a fun shore […]

Good Morning
Good morning. Wasn’t it just. The beach was rammed this morning, early. I walked around with someone from New York and they were blown away at the masses doing stuff on the beach at 6:30am. I don’t think many places in the world have so many people so active so early. The surf was not […]

We have experienced a few solid beach days and today is no exception. Carnivale Bondi was frantic over the weekend… Sculptures by the Sea opened and drawing millions whilst the Annual Single Fin Classic stirred a few laughs as the old boys danced (I think you can call it that) and surfed 5-6 foot Bondi […]

Afternoon. Late one I know. Today’s update comes from the boot of my car as we’re at the SurfAid SurfTag event surfing for charity. (at Manly) Thank you for everyone that donated to our team – we raised nearly $10k for SurfAid. The waves are small, 2ish, maybe 3 footish. Better with the incoming tide. […]

the goods
Greetings. I liked what I saw this morning. Plenty of colour in the sky early, the Sculpture by the sea are out and there is a solid 3 foot swell hittin’ town. It’s clean and plenty of waves on offer. This dreamy picture will transform later today, showers predicted tonight and the southerly will blow […]

At First Sight
Today is a big day in Australia. Not only is our national airline back in the air but 24 ponies trot around track whilst the whole world watches on. You’re probably distracted from what is happening down the beach today…you’re all frocked up and ready to plaster yourself all arvo in good ole’ aussie fashion. […]