R i n s e
Howdy. Conditions were o-kaaay this morning. A huge wolf pack feasted on 1-2 footers. It was a little messy and weak – but as Bondi always is….it was surfable. Wave of the day rolled through at 7:34am – it was very impressive. It hit the bank just right, stood up and threw some lip. I […]

Morning Fizz
Southerly winds were blowing this morning puttin’ loads of chop out there. Waves broke around 2 foot, sometimes 3. The left was better than the right and the southern corner better than anything else on the beach. At first it was cloudy, then it rained for a bit, now it’s sunny. Only 18 degrees today, […]

You could have driven past the beach this morning, had a glance and kept driving on to work, thinking you’ve missed nothing. If you sat and watched it for 30 minutes you’d realise there were infrequent, rideable, but fun fat sets every now and then. Some 2 foot, some even 3 foot…you just had to […]

You had to be up early today to score some waves. Between 6:30am and 7:30am waves broke around 2-3 foot at Maroubra, which revelled in these east swells. At 7:40am the southerly blew and quality rapidly dwindled. The sunshine is still out and it should reach 20 degrees today. This weekend I don’t think you’ll […]

CX Swell Check
Planes can’t land in Sydney until after the 6 a.m. curfew. This actually is quite good ‘cause the pilots trawl up and down the coast awaiting their shot at the runway. Sitting in a window seat on CX111 I could check the surf from Buggeries to Garie. It was quite obvious, even from a decent […]

Made in China
Looks like I didn’t missing many good waves Monday or Tuesday this week (yes, I am still in China in that same room looking at the wall for the 3rd day). But hang on…just got Kane Skennar’s images from Bondi this morning… it looks like fun 2-3 footers as the wind has finally backed off. […]

Ni hao
Hurro from China. Kane Skennar got out at Bondi to shoot my morning snaps again today seeing I’m a long way from the beach. Fortunately it looks like the onshore wind has died down, the waves are 2-3 foot and a few junkie opportunities around the place. Tomorrow should be cleaner (but again smaller) – […]

I’ve filed Aquabumps reports from all over the globe but never from a factory floor in mainland China with 10,000 employees running around (yes, that’s ten thousand! and that’s just in this plant!). I couldn’t be any further from a beach today…. I showed the plant workers pictures of where I live and they think […]

Not the best morning for taking photographs. The rain seemed to follow me and my lenses around. Nice left in the corner though – albeit much smaller than previous days. The left had a little consistent bowl, good if you’re a really small human. Oh yeah, real cold out there too! I saw a few […]

This morning the conditions were very random. Shifty 3 foot peaks popped up here and there, plenty closed out…quite hard work as the swell looks somewhat confused. I just checked it out at lunch time and it’s improved a hell of a lot. Sun is out too – bonus. Winds are the favourable offshore W/SW […]

The Junkyard
Even though the swell has come up overnight, the quality just isn’t there. Random waves broke around 3-4 foot this morning down. It’s really shifty (bit like my filming) – quite hard to surf. You’re probably wondering why there’s not pics in this daily email…yep, it’s all in our Aquabumps second video, shot ‘n’ edited […]

It’s transformed into a nice little day outside. At sunrise the skies were dull and grey. By 9am it had cleared up and the nor easterlies are blowin’ with a nice little 2-3 foot wave on offer. The turbo rip is back and that seems to be putting plenty of wobble out there. Still fun […]

Return to normal
All back to normal after 150,000 people rammed into Bondi yesterday for the City to Surf Fun Run. What a big day in Bondi it was. You’ve never seen so many people in our hood. Well…6:30am this morning was the complete opposite, very few out surfing, not many in the car park, bit of rain […]

We have had it pretty good lately so a day off is ok. Today it’s howling onshore and 3 foot – no good. At 7:40am there wasn’t a surfer in the water (which is sums the morning up well). There’s been a few showers, but they seem to be clearing. This Sunday is a big […]

C’mon, you didn’t think I was going to make a film every day did ya? Thanks for all your feedback. Learnt a lot yesterday and will work on the vids. I’ve been saying this a lot lately, but what a nice morning, sunshine and 3 footers. A huge pod of dolphins rammed the bay catching […]

Sin City
I’ve been carrying around Canon cameras for years that are video capable…but have never gone there. Well today we filmed our first little Aquabumps video. Watch it (it’s only 2 minutes long) as it pretty much sums up the sensational morning. Remember it’s our first vid (and have no clue) so go easy. Waves are […]

I think you all know what I am going to write about today seeing most of you have been out there. All 40,000 of you. The surf is good full stop. We’ve got some decent waves breaking on our holy grail of banks. It’s around 3-4 foot, consistent and fun but the crowds are enormous. […]

Morning Antics
Well hasn’t Huey switched on this morning. Much better than forecasted. We’ve got clean 3-4 walls rolling through Bondi, little wind and blaring sunshine (thought it was meant to rain – eh?). Gotta love Mondays when everyone is busy at work…Swell is dead south (that’ll be 180 degrees) and winds are westerlies. It’s going to […]

Some days are best NOT spent mincing around the office. Today is a good one to call it quits, tools down and enjoy the sunshine. Today is a glorious 23 degree winters day. The water is an amazing 19 degrees and there’s barely any wind. The surf is a little disappointing with lack luster 1 […]

LOG in
We are having the best run of good weather at the moment. Seeing is August, peak winter, it’s not bad having 8 days in a row above 20 degrees. Yesterday it hit 25 degrees, and yep, 25 degrees once again today. Too good to be true. Let’s just hope that big fat high pressure system […]

Some mornings these daily images take hours to shoot. I’m not complaining as it’s something I like to do. Then some mornings I shoot 200 images in 20 minutes. Today was a fast shoot day. Upon arrival the sky was soaked in colour – early. Every minute or so the skies changed as the sun […]

Short and Sweet
There’s not really much to talk about today. It’s small. Real small. Going off if you are a 25 kaygee grom (e.g. ‘lil Pete). It’s warm, and getting warmer. The mercury will approach a salubrious twenty-2 today. Wind – no wind. Forecast – nuttin’ much until Monday next week. Things to do – sit in […]

11 Seconds
The swell charts show a swell of 11 seconds, but there’s no height behind it unfortunately. What that translates to is a flat beach, but every 15-20 minutes 1 lone set wave will roll through at 1-1.6 foot. There was a queue of 6 longboarders patiently waiting for that lone set. Other than that it’s […]