Today and tomorrow are the smallest days of this week. It may even be completely flat tomorrow and was barely breaking at sunrise today. The highlight of the morning was the spectacular sunrise. Gold. A perfect setup… thin cloud strewn across Bondi from Ben Buckler…then a small gap along the horizon illuminating the curtain from below. Hope you saw it. It really was sumpin’.
Towards the end of the week you will see some fun south swell arrive – work hard until then.
Don’t forget the World Press Photo is on now (July 2 to 24 July 2011). I hear its great. State Library of New South Wales, Macquarie Street Sydney 2000 NSW.
Have a good Monday, :: uge
Colours of the sky were soo beautiful this morning!
Thanks for capturing the moment, glad everyone else can have a look.
Those seagull in the last image look like they are stalking Henry and are about to strike.
Old mate cockatoo is missing his friend the kookaburra…
Love the first shot of the boy running – beautiful
Bend your arm Henry, your rotator cuff will thank you for it!
Tristan in ahead of me…. the cocky looks pretty smug
i didn’t know you have trailer trash in Austrailia. could be my long lost cousin.
cool pics as always, miss ya.