And so….that rain didn’t hit last night…must’ve just blown out to sea…and the swell hasn’t quite arrived yet…BUT there is still a little bump – the odd 2 footer/3 footer(ish) rideable lump in the southern corner of Bondi. A later surf would bear more fruit – as it should be bigger and better with hopefully […]

The Junkyard
Good morning kids. In the shadows of recent morning gold, today is rating relatively low. The surf has gone all junkie and bumpy (smaller too!2/3). There were a few fun lefts, odd right but definitely not cranking. The banks are still there and it looks like more swell arrives tomorrow – hopefully it will switch […]

Good Times
Good times out there today…gentle offshore…sunshine…3-4 footers. Perfect conditions for many places today. It’s even a tad bigger than yesterday. The good news is that even if you can’t get out there today don’t stress – there’s waves pretty much all the way to the weekend. The banks are finely tuned as well… Johannes Leak […]

Red Rock
The beaches of Sydney have copped a pounding over the past couple of weeks. All the sand at South Bondi has been ripped off the beach and dragged back out to sea exposing a series of bright red rocks that I didn’t know existed. Today is much calmer than recent times. The past 2 weeks […]

Tubes in the harbour
If I told you that you could get barrelled whilst surfing Sydney Harbour I’m pretty sure you’d think I’m a can short of a six pack. Well, you can. The right conditions 1) a raging, excessively large SE swell, 2) howling south wind and 3) 1 x Otis Carey = you’ll get tubed amongst the […]

It’s been pouring for hours now. Your shoes are probably still soggy. I went down the beach this morning – no one. Not 1 surfer, not one decent wave, not even the hard core bodysurfers. It’s like a wet ghost town. Large 7 foot sets are breaking but the 30 knot onshore is tearing it […]

D o u s e
Currently we have a violent storm ravaging Sydney. It wasn’t a morning for photography as I couldn’t even see across the bay. The wind must be 35 knots plus…junk is strewn down our street and I think a wettie blew off the balcony. Today is a day for indoors, a day for work. Here is […]

Twin Pipes
Was kinda a text book Aquabumps Bondi morning. Kicked off with a subtle sunrise, few clouds lighting up. Then the left bank put on some small 2 foot sets – they looked enticing in the morning light. It was nice and glassy, the air was warm and plenty of people up early doing their ‘before […]

Lucky Lefts
The swell has settled and now the northlies are blowing – all back to normal. It’s only small, (2 foot), but Bondi hosted some fun ones with 2 distinct banks in full operation earlier today. It looks like the good banks have survived the recent pounding can you believe it! Enjoy the sunshine today as […]

Wonky tonk
In any normal week I’d be excited to see some head high waves breaking locally. But this week is far from normal. We’ve had 7 days of swell (in a row)…and this morning is no exception….but it seems the ocean is very agitated…wobbly…ok, kinda crook. I wouldn’t bother. Sets broke around 5 foot in an […]

The swell took a break yesterday but seems to have come back late this morning. It’s going to pick up all afternoon and should hit 6-8 foot later. Big tomorrow morning! Winds are still SW offshore but quite strong (15-20 knots). Most breaks in our neighbourhood again not really surfable. Bondi still closing out, as […]

Night Surfing
One of the benefits of having a fully lit Ice Skating Rink right on the sands of Bondi is that you can shoot night surfing. The swell has been huge lately and fortunately Wal found a newly formed left shorey grinder that was all lit up – bang in the perfect spot in front of […]

B e e f y
This solid south swell just keeps on giving. Last night it came in hard – I saw sets at Bondi that must have been 10-12 footers. I am talking one wave closing out the whole bay. At dawn Bronte had a wave…not many out as it’s a lot of paddling to get out. If you […]

If you were anywhere near the coastline over the weekend you’d know the swell has been rather large for a few days. Not as many options as I would have liked, Bondi a 1 wave close out from South to North (6-8ft), Tama + Bra a wash through and Bronte had a little sumpin’ that […]

The much anticipated spread of south swell goodies has arrived overnight. It has leaped from 2-3 foot to 4-6 foot. It’s from the dead south and its quite solid. The winds are a grooming offshore – strong and freezing. Bondi was a wash through, being super exposed to the south and a beachie (unfortunately that […]

Offshore Claws
Rug up cause that wind has a chilly bite to it…enough complaining. There’s a small 2 footer at Bondi, quite infrequent as I think the 30-40 knot offshore is doing its best at pushing it back out to sea. It was even bigger last night – so let’s hope this wind backs off soon and […]

Rip dip
Greetings. Rolled down the hill to have a look at Bondi and was greeted with some fun 2 footers. Finally some south swell is drip feeding into the bay with the potential of getting bigger as the day progresses. The world’s greatest bank had waves, but the rip switched on putting some chop on the […]

Oh boy it’s flat as this morning. I’m torkin’ pancakes, ironing boards, Twiggy…stuff like that. The sun was out and the winds have arrived. It’s going to hooooooowwl 20 -30 knots today from the west – which will mean those snowfields will cool down Sydney quite rapidly. In fact it is going to be super […]

Today and tomorrow are the smallest days of this week. It may even be completely flat tomorrow and was barely breaking at sunrise today. The highlight of the morning was the spectacular sunrise. Gold. A perfect setup… thin cloud strewn across Bondi from Ben Buckler…then a small gap along the horizon illuminating the curtain from […]

Ice Ice Bondi
Yep, you can now ice skate right on the sand of Bondi beach. The rink is up and running for the next 2 weeks as a part of the Bondi Winter Festival. A nice little morning with fun 2-3 footers in the corner. The wind has gone offshore and a corner rip was puttin’ some […]