Well it’s been raining pretty full on in Sydney for the past 36 hours. Look at the bright side, the salt on the car has been blasted off, the garden is flourishing and you’ve been able to concentrate on some work for a change. Just go down the end of the street and pick up […]

Sorry about the late update…time snuck away. Well finally the weather has cleared, the onshores subsided and a neat SSE swell is pumping into the bay. It’s only 2-3 foot…much smaller than previous days, but super fun. The morning sun was out, blaring, soaking everything in tones of orange. The water was exceptional – has […]

Pitter Patter
I sat in the car park for 30 minutes this morning, heater cranking, windscreen wipers going mad. No bootie camps, no surfers, no joggers, nothing but rain and a sloppy 3-4 foot. Hang on, one guy was surfing Bronte…but he wasn’t getting’ much. I would have shot Bondi should someone have paddled out…it actually looked […]

My shoot this morning was a complete washout. It’s pouring and the winds are howling. Swell is up though, 4-5 footers and only getting bigger – should be 6-8 foot on dark. Quality is VERY poor, as the wind butchers anything moving. So today we are going to revisit some images from Bronte last week. […]

You can see it in the clouds that something’s coming… the calm before the storm… All quiet down the beach this morning. Waves were small, 1 foot with a freak 2 footer every 20 minutes worth riding. Plenty of sunshine – soak it up as tomorrow looks wet and hell windy. The swell will pick […]

It started out to be a cloudy, stormy morning. Bondi barely had a wave as the swell direction has flipped more to the East. Only hours later the sun is out bakin’ and there’s a 1-2 foot wave at East exposed beaches. It’s going to be like this for the next few days before a […]

Morning Bullet Points
It’s a fine morning, small waves, sun and warmth – got it going on. The swell has dropped, been cranking all week – had to end – now 2 foot. A lot of people woke dis morning and went down the beach. Packed. It’s going to be a delightful 22 degrees today (after the fog […]

Hola. Gettin’ out of that toasty car this morning was well worth it. Yesterday’s booming swell has halved, ok maybe even quartered, but there’s plenty of fun ones still to be had. Expect to wait a while in between sets…the lulls were long and the surfaces were clean. I swam around Bronte this morning. Super […]

Wow what a morning…The swell peaked at sunrise and is thumpin’ right now. One of the best days shooting in some time…my cards are full of golden light, big chunks and roaring offshore plumes. Most breaks in our area are max’ing out. Bronte had a fat (big) wave – breaking wide (6ft +), nothing special. […]

Gold Plated
If you braved the chill and rolled down the hill to Bondi you would have found some entertaining waves this morning. It’s around 3-4 foot, offshore, clean and working on a few banks. The side-on light broke through around 7am, gold plating everything in its course (my favourite). A rare tube was on offer right […]

The green hornet
People often ask me about the funny stuff I see on my early morning meanderings. Funny stuff is pretty much on tap down at Bondi. For example, at 7am this morning whilst I was shooting/basking in morning light, a gentleman ran past me wearing nothing but, what looked like, bright green undies. Odd. The outfit […]

Rip Torrent
Conditions are looking favourable this morning with sunshine, offshores and neat, crispy little 2-3 footers in the southern corner. The rip is horrendous, one of the most powerful I’ve seen. I made the mistake of swimming with the camera…wow, I got dragged around the beach for a good part of an hour. Winds are west, […]

Winter light
I like this time of year around Bondi. The hordes have left, the line-up is sparse, winter storms create plenty of south swell and the light makes for good camera fodder. The sun now rises side onto the beach which is better for these morning shots as I’m not shooting directly into the sun. Don’t […]

4 things I like about today: 1. The surf is clean as the wind has kicked around to the north (2 ft) 2. The sun was out, albeit brief 3. The cold air blew off most of the crowds for the early. I still haven’t regained feeling in my fingers though. 4. I had many […]

Drive Thru
It’s a whole lot prettier now than when I got out of bed this morning. The swell is up and angry, the sou-wester is howling and it’s winter claws dig deep (I am currently wearing 2 jumpers). I saw waves in the 4 to 5 foot vicinity on an extremely low morning tide. Bondi had […]

should’a been here yesterday
Sounds like most have filled their wave quotas up over the weekend. Wasn’t it a good one for surfers? Well today showed promise at 6:00am and then the southerly blast hit around 7 a.m. – destroying your hope of a uncrowded Monday morning surf. Good day to stay indoors and get busy (at work). There […]

The swell machine has dropped a gear, still mostly easterly, but this afternoon a southerly swell will pick up and start to show at Bondi. 2ft now, 3-4 foot later today. Winter has arrived and the steamers are out. Nice morning to stand in the sunshine. We haven’t had much of that lately. There looks […]

morning meanderings
Well we’ve all had a real nice time lately. Swell has been plentiful, grooming offshores and lots of options in Sydney. Today looks to be the ugly brother of the previous two days…junkie, wobbly, dark yet still surfable. The best waves I saw along my morning wander was at Bondi, with smaller (but cleaner) 2-3 […]

After I posted the update yesterday the swell kicked big time. Oh boy there were some great waves in town, some hitting the 8 foot + mark. The swell direction is still East, and it’s not as good as yesterday afternoon, but still plenty of surfing options. Rain hasn’t stopped though – and probably won’t […]

Howdy. The expected swell hasn’t really turned on (yet). The charts were showing an increase in swell activity today, but I don’t think it’s arrived. Must be running late. Currently we have a small groundswell from the east, and the wind is barely blowing (maybe 4 knots from the west) – so she’s super clean […]